October 1983 · Vol. 12 No. 4 · p. 2
In This Issue: The Gospel of Health and Wealth
Statements such as, “If the Christians of the Sahel were truly faithful to God they would not be starving,” or “Sickness comes from Satan. God’s will is that Satan be defeated. Therefore, sickness is not God’s will. So if we truly believe, God will heal us of illness.” Or, “If I tithe, God will reward me with more possessions which he wants me to enjoy,” represent the Gospel of Health and Wealth. What is particularly insidious about the statements is that they contain half-truths. This issue of Direction addresses this Gospel of Health and Wealth.
Hermann Hartfeld reminds us of the many devout followers of Christ who suffer for His name’s sake. He speaks to us as one who has endured threats, beatings and imprisonment as a result of his proclamation of the Gospel contrary to Russian law (Article 10).
Elmer Martens probes the philosophical-theological-psychological side of this issue in examining the contemporary message of Psalm 73. Through the explanation in a parallel column of the Form-al method of exegesis he offers us a handle on a tool for biblical understanding.
Alfred Klassen became interested in the Gospel of Health and Wealth as a largely American phenomenon. His case study in Schuller’s half-gospel is balanced and enlightening.
But the question remains, “How are we to handle our prosperity?” Jake Froese offers a series of practical suggestions on that subject.
We invite reader response by way of debate, affirmation or critique. Responses will only be published with the respondent’s permission.