July 1973 · Vol. 2 No. 3 · p. 96
Book Review
Biblical Foundations for Christian Worship
Millard Lind. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1973. 61 pages.
Lind, professor of Old Testament at Goshen Biblical Seminary, here seeks to establish the basic understanding of what “worship” for the people of God implied in the biblical record. He sees the ground for worship to lie primarily in “the affirmation that community is founded upon and maintained by (God’s) act of grace to which the community responds by corporate acts of praise and surrender” (p. 56). This means that since God acted in history, i.e., politically, worship is fundamentally a political act, i.e., indicating allegiance to the new king. Also, the structures of the worship must reflect this allegiance, and not be simply adapted from temporal political/ societal forms. This is a treatment that could well bring renewal to congregational worship.