July 1973 · Vol. 2 No. 3 · p. 95
Book Review
These People Mine
Merle Good. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1973. 126 pages.
The spiritual heirs of the Wiedertaufer, the anabaptists, are numbered among many races on several continents. And always the question relates to what the essence of their spiritual heritage consists in. These People Mine, a musical drama first performed at the Brazil Mennonite World Conference, has been adapted to the printed page, consisting of eight stories illustrating the spiritual quest from the days of the 1520’s to the present, stories connected by a parable which illustrates the nature of the quest. The stories represent the persecution as well as the not always so subtle influence of a community that all too frequently froze its expression of its faith. The essence of the heritage, Good suggests, lies in the concept of “pilgrimage”—that God’s people always seek the beyond.