Oct. 1973–Jan. 1974 · Vol. 2 No. 4 · pp. 159–60
Book Review
Spirit Fruit
John M. Drescher. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1974. 351 pages.
In his preface John Drescher comments on the fact that much attention has lately been paid to the gifts of the Spirit, but little has been said about Spirit fruit. Without speaking disparagingly about interest {160} shown in charismatic gifts, the author endeavours to bring the scales of “fruit” and “gifts” into balance. Evidence of the Spirit’s presence, he asserts, is found in the fruits of the Spirit.
The controlling image of the book is taken from Galatians 5:22; hence headings such as “The Spirit’s Orchard,” “Love Fruit,” “Patience Fruit,” etc. Chapter one describes the nature and work of the Holy Spirit as well as the relationship between “gifts” and “fruit.” In subsequent chapters each variety of fruit listed in Galations 5:22 is first of all analyzed, then associated with the life of Jesus and finally related to the Christian’s life. To illustrate the reality and importance of Spirit fruit Drescher quotes freely from Scriptures and from writers ancient and modern. Numerous reference from literature and from life move the book toward the category of light reading.
The book’s declared purpose is devotional; content and style are consistent with this. A positive tone tends to encourage rather than shame the Christian into action. Drescher believes fruit bearing to be essential but not burdensome. To bear fruit is to live abundantly.
Not least among the book’s assets is its structure. Each chapter is divided into sections which are in effect individual meditations. The book might be used to good advantage as a source for daily devotions by individuals or by families with young people.