Fall 1994 · Vol. 23 No. 2 · pp. 88–89
Recommended Reading
On Mennonitica
Books by and about Mennonites continue to be produced in significant numbers, both by Mennonite and by non-Mennonite publishers. Mennonite Brethren are contributing their share. Here are some recent books I recommend.
Brunk, Gerald R., editor. Menno Simons: A Reappraisal: Essays in Honor of Irvin B. Horst on the 450th Anniversary of the Fundamentboek (Harrisonburg, VA: Eastern Mennonite College, 1992), 215 pp.
This book is mandatory reading in preparation for the 500th anniversary of the birth of Menno Simons in 1996. Nine scholars write essays on various topics, including “The Relevance of Menno Simons: Past and Present” (Walter Klaassen), “Menno and Muenster: The Man and the Movement” (Abraham Friesen), and “The Meaning of Menno Simons Today” (Irvin Horst).
Driedger, Leo, and J. Howard Kauffman. The Mennonite Mosaic: Identity and Modernization (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1991), 308 pp.
The authors evaluate a 1989 survey of beliefs and practices of five Mennonite and Brethren in Christ denominations, including the Mennonite Brethren. A sequel to the 1972 survey reveals much about the impact of modernization and pluralism.
Dyck, Cornelius J. An Introduction to Mennonite History. Third edition (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1993), 452 pp.
A revision and expansion of the earlier editions; the best introduction to Mennonite history. It provides a good chronological survey as well as a survey of Mennonites in every part of the globe.
Dyck, Cornelius J., and Dennis D. Martin, editors. Mennonite Encyclopedia, Vol. V (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1990), 962 pp.
Volume V is an important update of the previous four volumes and {89} contains information on topics A-Z. An indispensable tool for academics and lay people.
George, Timothy. Theology of the Reformers (Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1988), 337 pp.
Provides a good introduction to the theology of four reformers: Martin Luther, Huldrych Zwingli, John Calvin and Menno Simons. The chapter on Menno is an excellent contemporary treatment of his theology by a reputable Baptist scholar. The final chapter of the book focuses on “The Abiding Validity of Reformation Theology.”
Klaassen, Walter, editor. Anabaptism Revisited: Essays on Anabaptist/ Mennonite Studies in Honor of C. J. Dyck (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1992), 210 pp.
Essays of specialized studies by European and North American scholars. Part II in particular, which focuses on Mennonites today, has essays on Mennonite pluralism (Rodney Sawatsky), Mennonite Brethren identity (Paul Toews) and on the “Free Church” (Paul Peachy).
Rempel, John D. The Lord’s Supper in Anabaptism: A Study in the Christology of Balthaser Hubmaier, Pilgram Marpeck, and Dirk Philips (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1993), 272 pp.
Particularly relevant in view of recent concerns and discussions about the Lord’s Supper as well as on Christology. Mennonite Brethren, along with other Protestants, have emphasized the memorial aspects of the Lord’s Supper. Rempel shows that we have neglected some potentially enriching teachings of the early Anabaptists. A book of scholarly excellence with a strong pastoral concern.
Toews, J. B. Pilgrimage of Faith: The Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia and North America 1860-1990 (Winnipeg, MB; Hillsboro, KS: Kindred Press, 1993), 376 pp.
Toews is recognized as the patriarch of the Mennonite Brethren Church. Toews, who has both experienced and shaped much of that history, reflects a deeply rooted love for the church, but he is also very critical of some of the recent developments.
Toews, Paul, editor. Mennonites and Baptists: A Continuing Conversation (Winnipeg, MB; Hillsboro, KS: Kindred Press, 1993), 261 pp.
Eleven essays by various Mennonite and Baptist scholars make up this fine volume. Three of the essays deal with the Russian/Soviet context of Mennonite and Baptists relationships; others deal with India, the United States, Canada, etc.