Fall 1997 · Vol. 26 No. 2 · pp. 54–60
A Partial Bibliography of Writings by J. B. Toews
Books and Theses
“The Christ of the Johannine Theology.” B.D. Thesis, Western Baptist Theological Seminary, 1940.
The Key to Fruitful Christian Service. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible, 1959.
The Mennonite Brethren Church in Zaire. Fresno, CA: Board of Christian Literature of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1978.
A Pilgrimage of Faith: The Mennonite Brethren Church in Russia and North America 1860-1990. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred, 1993.
J B: The Autobiography of a Twentieth-Century Mennonite Pilgrim. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1995.
Chapters in Books
“Lebendiger Glaube.” In Die Gemeinde Christi und ihr Auftrag: Vorträge und Verhandlungen der Fünften Mennonitischen Weltkonferenz, vom 10. bis 15. August 1952, St. Chrischona bei Basel, Schweiz. Karlsruhe, Germany: Heinrich Schneider, 1953, 87-95.
“Dienst am Evangelium in der Mission.” In Das Evangelium von Jesus Christus in der Welt: Vorträge und Verhandlungen der Sechsten Mennonitischen Weltkonferenz, vom 10. bis 16. August 1957 in Karlsruhe, Deutschland. Karlsruhe, Germany: Heinrich Schneider, 1958, 102-9. {55}
“Spiritual Renewal.” In The Witness of the Holy Spirit: Proceedings of the Eighth Mennonite World Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 23-30, 1967. Elkhart, IN: Mennonite World Conference, 1967, 56-63.
“The Theology of Mission in Acts.” In The Church in Mission: A Sixtieth Anniversary Tribute to J. B. Toews. Ed. A. J. Klassen. Fresno, CA: Board of Christian Literature Mennonite Brethren Church, 1967, 1-16.
“Focusing the Vision: The M. B. Biblical Seminary.” In The Seminary Story: Twenty Years of Education in Ministry, 1955-1975. Ed. A. J. Klassen. Fresno, CA: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1975, 17-24.
“Mennonite Brethren Identity and Theological Diversity.” In Pilgrims and Strangers: Essays in Mennonite Brethren History. Ed. Paul Toews. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1977, 133-60.
“The Significance of P. M. Friesen’s History for Mennonite Brethren Self-Understanding.” In P. M. Friesen and His History: Understanding Mennonite Brethren Beginnings. Ed. Abraham Friesen. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1979, 153-76.
“The Teaching Ministry in the Mennonite Brethren Church.” In Called to Teach: A Symposium by the Faculty of the Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary. Ed. David Ewert. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1980, 179-95.
“George W. Peters: A Measure of the Man.” In Reflection and Projection: Missiology at the Threshold of 2001: Festschrift in Honor of George W. Peters for his Eightieth Birthday. Ed. Hans Kasdorf and Klaus W. Müller. Bad Liebenzell, Germany: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1988, 20-30.
“The Holy Spirit in the Believers’ Church.” In Wonders and the Word: An Examination of Issues Raised by John Wimber and the Vineyard Movement. Ed. James R. Coggins and Paul G. Hiebert. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred, 1989, 92-97. {56}
“Theological Autobiography.” In Bridging Troubled Waters: The Mennonite Brethren at Mid-Twentieth Century. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred, 1995, 183-89.
Periodical Articles
“The Life We Live.” Christian Leader, 1 April 1940, 13-14; 1 May 1940, 13-14; 1 June 1940, 8-9.
“Education: Is It a Blessing or a Curse?” Christian Leader, 1 May 1940, 15-16.
“Youth Must Choose.” Christian Leader, 1 January 1941, 7-8.
“Our Devotional Life.” Christian Leader, 1 July 1941, 16.
“How, When and Where Should We Conduct Our Devotions?” Christian Leader, 1 August 1941, 16.
“The Importance of Prayers.” Christian Leader, 1 September 1941, 13-14.
“The Supreme Motive of Prayer.” Christian Leader, 1 October 1941, 11.
“The Effect of Prayer.” Christian Leader, 1 November 1941, 9.
“Worship.” Christian Leader, 1 December 1941, 9.
“How to Pray.” Christian Leader, 1 January 1942, 12.
“Prayer for Divine Guidance.” Christian Leader, 1 February 1942, 16.
“The Prayer of Intercession.” Christian Leader, 1 March 1942, 11.
“Some Hindrances to Prayer.” Christian Leader, 1 April 1942, 13.
“Christ the Example for Our Prayer Life.” Christian Leader, 1 May 1942, 10; 1 July 1942, 12; 1 August 1942, 10. {57}
“The Purpose of Our Daily Devotional Bible Reading.” Christian Leader, 1 September 1942, 19.
“Loss for Gain.” The Olive Leaf (November 1946): 3.
“Zuletzt meine Brüder seid stark in dem Herrn.” The Olive Leaf (June 1948): 3.
“Doctrinal Study.” Adult Quarterly 11-36 (1950-1970). This was a regular feature in Adult Quarterly. Beginning in 1964 it was entitled “Doctrines Involved.” The same articles appeared in Lektionsheft under the titles “Doktrinärer Teil” and “Grundsätze der Glaubenslehre.”
“ ‘Kings View Homes’ Dedication Sermon.” Christian Leader, 15 April 1951, 4-5; 1 May 1951, 2-3.
“Heathen Darkness Indescribable.” Christian Leader, 15 July 1952, 4.
“Lebendiger Glaube.” Zionsbote, 3 December 1952, 3.
“Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt.” Zionsbote, 20 January 1954, 6.
“Die Missionsfelder im Ueberblick.” Zionsbote, 27 January 1954, 6.
“Hebet eure Augen auf.” Zionsbote, 3 March 1954, 5.
“Sehet in das Feld.” Zionsbote, 10 March 1954, 4.
“Mennonite Brethren Church, Reedley, California.” Mennonite Life 9 (1954): 151-52.
“Stewardship.” Konferenz-Jugendblatt der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde in Kanada, July-October 1954, 5.
“Und da er das Volk sah, jammerte ihn desselben, Matt. 9:36.” Zionsbote, 18 May 1955, 3.
“Our Peace Testimony Stems From ‘Showing Forth the Virtues of Christ.’ ” Christian Leader, 1 November 1955, 3. {58}
“Africa: Dawning, But Still Dark.” Konferenz-Jugendblatt der Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde in Kanada, March-April 1956, 18-19.
“Aufruf zum Gebet.” Zionsbote, 17 February 1959, 5.
“Unashamed of the Gospel.” Christian Leader, 22 September 1959, 8.
“Our Mission in the Congo.” Christian Leader, 17 November 1959, 6, 8.
“Weltevangelisation in einem revolutionären Zeitalter.” Zionsbote, 22 November 1960, 6.
“Proclaim Liberty to the Captives.” Christian Leader, 24 January 1961, 6.
“Losungswort der Mission im Jahre 1961.” Zionsbote, 31 January 1961, 6.
“An Undelivered Pardon.” Christian Leader, 21 February 1961, 9.
“Die nicht überbrachte Begnadigung.” Zionsbote, 28 March 61, 5-6.
“Missions Periscope for 1962.” Christian Leader, 9 January 1962, 6-7.
“Der Missionsspiegel für 1962.” Zionsbote, 30 January 1962, 1-3.
“The Ministry of the Church in Missions.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 36 (1962): 218-27.
“Missions in the Dimensions of the New Year.” Christian Leader, 8 January 1963, 6-7.
“Men for the Hour.” Christian Leader, 5 February 1963, 6-7.
“Menschen für unsere Zeit.” Zionsbote, 12 February 1963, 1-3.
“The Assignment We Face.” Christian Leader, 1 September 1964, 3. {59}
“The Church in Evangelism.” Journal of Church & Society 1 (Spring 1965): 33-42.
“Studies in Genesis One.” Journal of Church & Society 1 (Fall 1965): 3-13.
“Spiritual Renewal.” Journal of Church & Society 3 (Spring 1967): 32-40.
“Life with a Purpose.” Journal of Church & Society 4 (Spring 1968): 22-29.
“On Revolution: Past and Present.” Journal of Church & Society 6 (Fall 1970): 2-7.
“From Where to Where?” Direction 3 (July 1974): 194-200.
“The Importance of Our Past.” Christian Leader, 23 May 1978, 4-5.
“God Is at Work in History.” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 26 May 1978, 5-6.
“Mennonite Brethren Higher Education: Reflections and Observations.” Direction 7 (October 1978): 3-11.
“The Influence of Fundamentalism on Mennonite Brethren Theology.” Direction 10 (July 1981): 20-29.
“Mennonite Brethren in the Larger Mennonite World.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 57 (1983): 257-64.
“Tensions for Mennonite Brethren.” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 9 September 1983, 3-4.
“Mennonite Brethren Church Membership Profile.” Direction 14 (Fall 1985): 6-42, 82-89. Coauthored with Abram G. Konrad and Al Dueck.
“Called to Reach a Changing World.” Christian Leader, 31 January 1989, 10-12. {60}
“Tribute to G. W. Peters.” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 17 February 1989, 26.
“Mennonite Brethren Missions in Perspective.” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 29 September 1989, 4-6.
“The Church Growth Theory and Mennonite Brethren Polity.” Direction 20 (Fall 1991) 102-13.
The Mennonite Brethren Church: A Missionary Movement. Fresno, CA: Historical Commission of the General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1988.
P. M. Friesen. The Mennonite Brotherhood in Russia (1789-1910). Fresno, CA: Board of Christian Literature, General Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, 1978. With Abraham Friesen, Peter J. Klassen, and Harry Loewen.
Articles by Other Persons about J. B. Toews
Charlyn Bridges. “A Vision for the Brotherhood: An Interview with J. B. Toews.” Christian Leader, 31 January 1978, 6-9.