Spring 1998 · Vol. 27 No. 1 · pp. 97–100
Current Research
Faculty Publications, 1997
*Claassen, Ron, and Roxanne Claassen. Making Things Right. 1997 [FPU]
*Freeman, Yvonne, and *David Freeman. Teaching Reading and Writing in Spanish in the Bilingual Classroom. Heinemann Educational Books, 1997. [FPU]
Guenther, Allen. Hosea, Amos. Believers Church Bible Commentary. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1998. [MBBS]
Martens, Elmer. God’s Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology. 3d ed. N. Richland Hills, TX: BIBAL, 1998. [MBBS]
———. Old Testament Theology. Institute for Biblical Research Bibliographies, no. 13. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1997. [MBBS]
Ruth-Heffelbower, Duane. What Happens After We’re Gone? Rev. and expanded ed. Goshen, IN: Mennonite Mutual Aid, 1997. [FPU]
*Schellenberg, Rick, and *Derrick Mueller. Faith Viruses: Studies in 1 Corinthians. Hepburn, SK: Bethany Bible Institute, 1998. [BBI]
Shillington, George. 2 Corinthians. Believers Church Bible Commentary. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1998. [CC]
———. Jesus and His Parables. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1997. [CC]
Terman, Max. Messages from an Owl. Princeton: Princeton University, 1997. [TC]
Zorrilla, Hugo. El eco seco de muchos aguas (The Dry Echo of Many Waters). 1997. [FPU]
Chapters in Books
Martens, Elmer. “Yahweh’s Compassion and Ecotheology.” In Problems in Biblical Theology: Essays in Honor of Rolf Knierim, ed. H. T. C. Sun, et al. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997. [MBBS]
Neufeld, Karen. “Preparing Christian Teachers for Religious Content in Public Schools.” In Nurturing Christians as Reflective Educators. Coalition of Christian Educators, 1997. [FPU]
Taylor, Joseph. “Physical Disabilities and Health Impairments.” In a special education textbook by Laurie DeBettencourt and Ed Sabournie, 1997. [FPU]
Toews, Paul. “Religious Idealism and Academic Vocation at Fresno Pacific College.” In Models for Christian Higher Education: Strategies for Success in the Twenty-First Century, ed. Richard T. Hughes and William B. Adrian. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997. [FPU]
Yoder, John. “Education for International Understanding: A Comparison of Teacher Education Students’ Evaluations in Australia, Finland, {98} USA, Cameroon and Zimbabwe.” In Multicultural Education: Towards Social Empowerment and Cultural Maintenance, eds. Roy Killen, Seppo Tella, and Kaarina Yli-Renko. University of Turku, 1997. [FPU]
Enns-Rempel, Kevin. “A Partial Bibliography of Writings by J. B. Toews.” Direction 26 (Fall 1997): 54-60. [FPU]
Forsythe, Robert. “Conference on Mennonite Higher Education: Theory and Practice.” Direction 26 (Fall 1997): 80-84. [TC]
*Freeman, David, *Yvonne Freeman, and *Jean Fennacy. “California’s Reading Revolution: What Happened?” The New Advocate (1997). [FPU]
*Freeman, David, *Yvonne Freeman, and *Jean Fennacy. “The California Reading Task Force and Whole Language: Does Anyone Understand?” Talking Points (1997). [FPU]
Kyle, Richard. “African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.” In 1997 Supplement to Encyclopedia USA, ed. Donald W. Whisenhunt, 86-88. Gulf Breeze, FL: Academic International, 1997. [TC]
———. “The End Is Coming! . . . (Eventually).” Christian Leader, Sept. 1997, 4-7. [TC]
———. “Visions of the End: A History of the Last Days,” Direction 26 (Spring 1997): 62-79. [TC]
Martens, Elmer. “Anniversary Reminiscences about Direction.” Direction 26 (Spring 1997): 4-8. [MBBS]
———. “The Flowering and Floundering of Old Testament Theology.” In New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis, ed. W. A. VanGemeren, 1:172-84. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997. Reprinted in Direction 26 (Fall 1997) [MBBS]
———. “Numbers, Theology of.” In New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis, ed. W. A. VanGemeren, 4:985-91. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997. [MBBS]
———. Approx. fifty word studies and associate editor of New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis, ed. W. A. VanGemeren. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997. [MBBS]
Ruth-Heffelbower, Duane. “A Lawyer Looks at Integration.” MEDA News (Spring 1997). [FPU]
Schmidt, Henry J. “J. B. as Educator.” Direction 26 (Fall 1997): 13-25. [MBBS]
———. “J. B.’s Prophetic Call to Biblical Discipleship.” Direction 26 (Fall 1997): 47-48. [MBBS] {99}
Terman, Max. “Natural Links: Naturalistic Golf Courses as Wildlife Habitat.” Landscape and Urban Planning 38 (1997): 183-97. [TC]
Toews, Paul. “Ellipses . . . in JB: The Autobiography of a Twentieth-Century Mennonite Pilgrim.” Direction 26 (Fall 1997): 3-12. [FPU]
———. “The Quest for the Mennonite Holy Grail: Reflections on the ‘Mennonite Experience in America’ Project.” Direction 26 (Spring 1997): 43-61. [FPU]
Unger, Walter. “Balanced Spirituality.” Christian Leader, Aug. 1997. [CBC]
———. “Great Fireplace . . . No Fire!” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 13 June 1997. [CBC]
———. “The Legacy of Failed Prophecy.” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 24 Jan. 1997. [CBC]
———. “The Quest for Renewal.” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 29 Aug. 1997. [CBC]
———. “Twentieth-Century Prophet.” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 7 Nov. 1997. [CBC]
———. “When Prophecy Fails.” Faith Today, Jan.-Feb. 1997. [CBC]
Wilson, Robert. “Finding Meaning Through Frankl’s Socratic Dialogue.” International Forum for Logotherapy (Spring 1997). [FPU]
Doctoral Dissertation
Isaac, Donald J. “The Relationship of Institutional, Organizational, and Work-related Factors in Faculty Intention to Leave among Liberal Arts Colleges.” Doctor of Philosophy, Higher Education. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, 1997. Advisor: Marilyn Amey. Current Position: Associate Professor of Business and Economics, Tabor College.
This research investigated faculty intent to leave their institution, using the 1993 National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty. The study was limited to full-time faculty employed in liberal arts colleges and universities.
The central research questions were the associations between faculty decision-making authority and job satisfaction, percent of time teaching and job satisfaction, and job satisfaction and faculty turnover intention. The research model proposed a two-stage causal model in which gender, rank, and tenure influence the amount of time spent teaching, job satisfaction, and authority satisfaction, and that teaching time, job satisfaction, and authority satisfaction influence intent to leave.
Results of multiple regression suggest that the research model explains 28 percent of the variance in intent to leave with job satisfaction having the highest beta value. Discriminant analysis suggests that the {100} predictor variables are able to correctly classify 58 percent of faculty into leavers or stayers. Job satisfaction, tenure, and rank have the lowest Wilks Lambda values, and thus the most discriminating power.
On the whole, faculty in liberal arts colleges are satisfied with their work and work environment. The faculty who registered the highest intent to leave were female, nontenured assistant professors.
Masters Theses
Buck, T. D. “Coaches’ Burnout in the Relationship to Social Support Utilizing Social Exchange Theory.” M.S. in Health and Physical Education Research, Sports Pedagogy. Grand Forks: University of North Dakota, 1997. [TC]
Wohlgemut, Ben. “Designing an Internship Model for Bethany Bible Institute.” M.Ed. in Educational Administration. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1997. [BBI]
Masters Theses, Students
at Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1997
Chiu, Gary. “A study of Marriage in the Book of Malachi from the Intertextuality Approach.”
McAllister, Greg. “Decently, and in Order—Theological Perspectives on the Changing Relationship between Police and Religious Organizations in Urban Renewal Efforts.”
McCulley, Darrell A. “Using the First Covenant with the Renewed Covenant: A Model for Demonstrating the Trinity Using Both Old and New Testaments.”
Rheaume, Stephane. “The Kingdom of God: A Proposal for a Balanced Biblical Theology of the Kingdom.”
The above listing presents publications of faculty and students of schools which sponsor Direction, identified as follows:
Bethany Bible Institute (BBI), Columbia Bible College (CBC), Concord College (CC), Fresno Pacific University (FPU), Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary (MBBS), and Tabor College (TC). In cases of multiple authorship, the author of interest is marked with *.