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Spring 1999 · Vol. 28 No. 1 · pp. 113–19 

A Select Bibliography of Writings by Hans Kasdorf

Stephen Holthaus

With the exception of unpublished masters theses and dissertations, this bibliography is limited to published books, articles, and chapters of edited volumes. Reviews are not included.


“Blumenau, Brasilien.” Mennonitische Rundschau, 11 June 1958, 11.


“Die Bibeldramen Klopstocks.” Masters Thesis. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, 1966. 128 pp.


“Concept of Christian Missions.” Christian Leader, 22 April 1969, 4.

“Discipling and Perfecting: Their Inter-Relationship in Church Growth.” Journal of Church and Society 5:2 (1969): 2-17.

“Proclamation and Social Concern in Missions.” Journal of Church and Society 5:1 (1969): 24-32.


“Church Discipline: A Redemptive Approach.” Journal of Church and Society 6:2 (1970): 40-61.

“Jorge de Lima: The Medical Poet-Priest of Northeastern Brazil.” Revue des Langues Vivantes/Tijdschrift voor Levende Talen 36:3 (1970): 295-305; also in CLA Journal 14:1 (1970): 75-86.

“Lessons from a Christian Anthropologist’s Approach to Communication.” Journal of Church and Society 6 (Spring 1970): 35-53. {114}


“The Church Concept of the Mennonite Brethren in Anabaptist Perspective.” Masters Thesis. Fresno, CA: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1972. 194 pp.

“A Decade of Evangelism-in-Depth in Latin America, 1960-1970.” Masters of Religious Education Research Project. Fresno, CA: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1972. 296 pp.


“Miracle, Mystery, Authority.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 10:2 (1974): 178-88.


“Anabaptists and the Great Commission in the Reformation.” Direction 4 (April 1975): 303-18.

“The Best in Reading on Mission Book Review.” Direction 4 (April 1975): 319-21.

“Reflections on the Church Concept of the Mennonite Brethren.” Direction 4 (July 1975): 339-46.


Gemeindewachstum als missionarisches Ziel: Ein Konzept für Gemeinde- und Missionsarbeit. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1976. 283 pp.

Gustav Warnecks missiologisches Erbe. Dissertation D. Miss. Pasadena: Fuller Theological Seminary, 1976.

“Historische Hintergründe des Konfliktes zwischen Staatskirche und Freikirche.” Konferenzblatt der MBG Paraguay, 16 November 1976, 12-16.


“The Mission of the Church.” Christian Leader, 13 September 1977, 12-13.


“Luther’s Bible: A Dynamic Equivalence Translation and Germanizing Force.” Missiology: An International Review 6:2 (1978): 213-34.


“Indigenous Church Principles: A Survey of Origin and Development.” In Readings in Dynamic Indigeneity, ed. Charles H. Kraft and Tom {115} N. Wisley. 71-86. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1979.

“A Philosophy of Roots or a Missiology of Boots?” Christian Leader, 22 May 1979, 14.


Christian Conversion in Context. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1980. 217 pp.

“Gustav Warneck: His Life and Labor.” Missiology 8 (1980): 269-84.

“The Legacy of Gustav Warneck.” Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research 7 (1980): 102-7.

“Missionsgrundlage im Alten Testament.” Fundamentum (first issue): 54-62.

“The Reformation and Mission: A Bibliographical Survey of Secondary Literature.” Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research 6 (October 1980): 169-75.

“Teaching the Great Commission.” In Called to Teach: A Symposium by the Faculty of the Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, ed David Ewert. 115-42. Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, 1980.

“What the Bible Says About Conversion.” In Conversion: Doorway to Discipleship, ed. Henry J. Schmidt. 15-29. Hillsboro, KS: Board of Christian Literature, 1980.


“Call to Theological Education in Mission(s) Perspective: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary.” In Occasional Papers No. 2, ed. Willard Swartley, 54-56. Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1981.

“Missio Dei: Historical and Theological Perspectives.” In Occasional Papers No. 2, ed. Willard Swartley, 25-31. Elkhart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1981.

“Missionsgrundlage im Alten Testament (Fort.).” Fundamentum 1, no. 1 (1981): 48-55; Fundamentum 1, no. 2 (1981): 50-57.


“God’s Triunity Is a Community.” Christian Leader, 26 April 1983, 16.


“The Anabaptist Approach to Mission.” In Anabaptism and Mission, ed. Wilbert Shenk. 51-69; 237-38. Missionary Studies no. 10. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1984.

“It’s Sunrise in World Mission: A Vision Statement from the Mennonite {116} Brethren Biblical Seminary.” Fresno, CA: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary. 32 pp.

“Pietist Roots of Early Mennonite Brethren Spirituality.” Direction 8 (July 1984): 44-55.


“Aus dem Erbe Gustav Warnecks: In Memoriam Arno Lehmann.” Zeitschrift für Mission 11 (1985): 25-34.

“Realizing the Vision Through Training for Church Mission.” In The Seminary Story: Twenty Years of Education in Ministry (1955-1975), ed. A. J. Klassen. 77-84. Fresno, CA: Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1985.


A Century of Mennonite Brethren Mission Thinking, 1885-1984. 2 vols. Diss. Pretoria: University of South Africa (Promoter: Prof. D. J. Bosch), 1986. 706 pp.


“Centrality Instead of Priority: An Emerging Philosophy of Mennonite Brethren Missions.” Direction 16 (Spring 1987): 27-36.


“Behind the Curtain: Spiritual Fire.” Christian Leader, 12 April 1988, 12-13.

Bilanz und Plan: Mission an der Schwelle zum Dritten Jahrtausend. Festschrift für George W. Peters zu seinem achtzigsten Geburtstag. Ed. Hans Kasdorf and Klaus W. Müller. Veröffentlichungen der Freien Hochschule für Mission der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelikaler Missionen, series C, vol. 2. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1988. 504 pp.

“Clarifying Our Mission.” In Committed to World Mission: A Focus on International Strategy, ed. Victor Adrian and Donald Loewen. 15-27. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred, 1988.

“Facing a Spiritual Explosion.” Mennonite Brethren Herald, 15 April 1988, 22-23 (with Frieda Kasdorf).

“George W. Peters: Bibliographie/His Writings.” In Bilanz und Plan: Mission an der Schwelle zum Dritten Jahrtausend. Festschrift für George W. Peters zu seinem achtzigsten Geburtstag, ed. Hans Kasdorf and Klaus W. Müller. 43-50. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1988 (with Klaus W. Müller). {117}

“Greetings from the Saints in Romania.” East Europerspectives 14 (July 1988): 16-22; also in Mission Focus 16 (September 1988): 52-55.

“Living Witnesses for Christ.” Christian Leader, 12 April 1988, 13.

“Missiology as a Discipline in Historical Perspective.” In Bilanz und Plan: Mission an der Schwelle zum Dritten Jahrtausend. Festschrift für George W. Peters zu seinem achtzigsten Geburtstag, ed. Hans Kasdorf and Klaus W. Müller. 219-38. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1988. (German summary, pp. 239-41).

“Mission Future: Issues We Face.” Mission Focus 16 (December 1988): 65-72.

“Romanian Christians Find Openness Despite Government Opposition.” World Pulse 23 (April 1988): 4.

“Toward a Mennonite Brethren Theology of Mission.” Mission Focus 16 (March 1988): 1-6.

“Translating God’s Word as Mission to the World: A Missiological Survey.” In The Bible and the Church: Essays in Honor of Dr. David Ewert, ed. A. J. Dueck, et al. 229-49. Winnipeg, MB: Kindred, 1988.


“Mennonite Brethren Missiologist George W. Peters (1907-1988).” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 13 (July 1989): 124-25.

Die Umkehr: Bekehrung in ihren theologischen und kulturellen Zusammenhängen. Ed. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Mennonitischen Brüder-gemeinden in Deutschland (AMBD). Bielefeld: Logos. 234 pp.


“Bartsch, Henry G. and Bartsch, Anna Funk.” In Mennonite Encyclopedia, vol. 5, 58-59. Scottdale: Herald, 1990.

“Braun, Bernhard J. and Braun, Linda Marie Ewert.” In Mennonite Encyclopedia, vol. 5, 93-94. Scottdale: Herald, 1990.

“Curitiba, Brazil.” In Mennonite Encyclopedia, vol. 5, 214. Scottdale: Herald, 1990.

Gustav Warnecks missiologisches Erbe: Eine biographisch-historische Untersuchung. Giessen/Basel: Brunnen Verlag. 488 pp.

“Janzen, Aaron A. and Janzen, Ernestina Strauss.” In Mennonite Encyclopedia, vol. 5, 462. Scottdale: Herald, 1990.


Flammen unauslöschlich: Mission der Mennoniten unter Zaren und Sowjets 1789-1989. Beiträge zur osteuropäischen Kirchengeschichte {118} no. 2. Bielefeld: Logos, 1991. 221 pp.

“New Mission Fields—New Mission Forces.” Witness (January/February 1991): 4-5.


“David Jacobus Bosch: In Memoriam.” Evangelikale Missiologie 8:3 (1992): 49-53.


“Bekehrung: Biblisches Kernwort oder theologisches Reizwort?” Evangelikale Missiologie 9:2 (1993): 42-50.


“Current State of Missiology: Reflections on Twenty-Five Years (1968-1993).” Direction 23 (Spring 1994): 64-81.

“Der gegenwärtige Stand der Missiologie: Gedanken zu den letzten 25 Jahren (1968-1993).” Evangelikale Missiologie 10:4 (1994): 99-111.

“Gustav Warneck 1834-1910.” In Mission Legacies: Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement, ed. G. H. Anderson, et al. 373-82. American Society of Missiology Series no. 19. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1994.

“A Personal Journey of Missiological Formation.” Direction 23 (Spring 1994): 101-10.


“Gedanken zum Verständnis der Weltmission.” In Werdet meine Zeugen: Weltmission im Horizont von Theologie und Geschichte, ed. Hans Kasdorf and Friedemann Walldorf. 15-32. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1996.

“Missiologie und theologische Ausbildung.” Evangelikale Missiologie 12:2 (1996): 35-45 (inaugural lecture at the Freien Theologischen Akademie, also appeared as a special printing of the FTA)

“Unaufgebbare Dimensionen der Weltmission.” In Werdet meine Zeugen: Weltmission im Horizont von Theologie und Geschichte, ed. Hans Kasdorf and Friedemann Walldorf. 265-80. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1996.

Werdet meine Zeugen: Weltmission im Horizont von Theologie und Geschichte. Ed. Hans Kasdorf and Friedemann Walldorf. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1996. 290 pp.

“Zur Mission der Täufer: Verständnis und Verwirklichung im Reformationsjahrhundert.” In Werdet meine Zeugen: Weltmission im {119} Horizont von Theologie und Geschichte, ed. Hans Kasdorf and Friedemann Walldorf. 181-200. Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1996.


“. . . und was lehren andere Religionen? Zukunftsvorstellungen bei nicht-christlichen Religionen.” Single 3 (1997): 18-20.

“Zu Gustav Warnecks Bedeutung für Theologie und Kirche (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Missionskonferenzen).” In Es begann in Halle...: Missionswissenschaft von Gustav Warneck bis heute, ed. Dieter Becker and Andreas Feldtkeller. 23-39. Missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen. N.S. vol. 5. Erlangen: Ev.-Luth. Mission, 1997.

Since 1995, Stephan Holthaus has served as Academic Dean at Freie Theologische Akademie in Giessen, Germany, the institution where Hans Kasdorf served as head of the Mission department from 1994 to 1998.

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