
April 1974 · Vol. 3 No. 1 · p. 161 


Delbert L. Wiens

Direction is just over two years old and it is appropriate to look back upon what has been presented and on what has, and has not, happened.

In the first editorial (January 1972), the editors agreed that there should be a frank dialogue on the issues which face our churches. Direction was to be “a forum where mature and concerned churchmen speak to significant questions.” We believe that we have addressed ourselves to such questions. All of the topics which were listed in that first editorial have been spoken to in the last two-and-a-half years.

But has there been a “frank dialogue”? Has there been any dialogue? Despite the controversial nature of some of the articles, there has not been a single letter to the editor that has argued a different point of view. So far, there is little evidence that Direction has made a difference.

In this issue Wally Kroeker lovingly complains that Direction is dull. If that is so, then the lack of response may be the result of factors like poor editing, sloppy layout, and sporadic appearance. At least we hope so. We would hate to believe that the reason is the apathy of our readers about the kinds of questions we wish to discuss.

Nonetheless, we remain convinced that the issues mentioned in that first editorial (and the article which followed it) are important and that they must be dealt with. We continue to believe that our church needs the kind of forum we had hoped to offer. And we are committed to discover a style and format which will strike some sparks. We solicit your support and suggestions.
