
Fall 2004 · Vol. 33 No. 2 · p. 132 

From the Editor: Biblical Scholarship

Douglas B. Miller

This issue of Direction is focused around the theme of biblical scholarship. This time there is not any particular issue upon which scholars among us were invited to think and do research; rather, they make an offering of their current interests and study. To introduce and perhaps guide our thinking, Gerald Gerbrandt provides reflections and insights upon the issue of scholarship more generally, and the only partly-comfortable ways Mennonites have appreciated scholars in their midst. Following his essay, five New Testament scholars offer careful theses from five different literary traditions in the canon: three of the Gospels and two epistles.

Gary Yamasaki finds significance in a little-noticed distinction of terminology in one of Jesus’ well-known parables in Matthew. Tim Geddert defends a thesis concerning the difficult textual matter at the ending of Mark’s gospel. George Shillington argues a new thesis to account for the Fourth Gospel’s narrated translations of Hebrew and Aramaic terms into Greek. Doug Heidebrecht offers a new way of listening to the difficult text of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 on the question of women in ministry leadership. Finally, Jerry Truex explores the cultural context of temple and household language in the epistle of 1 Peter.

In a think piece, Teshome Abebe and Zenebe Abebe present a challenge to those responsible for curriculum planning in the Christian college. Ministry Compass introduces “The World’s Most Dangerous Bible Study,” whereby pastor/scholar Eric Elnes has motivated excitement among his congregation for studying the Scriptures. In Recommended Reading, the editor provides Bible study resource suggestions for the nonspecialist. Another diverse collection of Book Reviews concludes this issue.

Finally, see the information note on the Anabaptist-Mennonite Scholars Network which follows the Book Review section.

Douglas B. Miller, General Editor
