Fall 2006 · Vol. 35 No. 2 · pp. 305–15
Recommended Reading
A Select Bibliography of Ronald J. Sider’s Published Work and Additional Vitae
- Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, no. 11. Ed. Heiko A. Oberman. Brill, 1974.
- The Chicago Declaration (ed. and contributor). Creation House, 1974.
- Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: A Biblical Study. InterVarsity and Paulist, 1977; rev. ed., 1984, 1990; twentieth anniversary ed., Word, 1997; 5th ed., W Publishing Group, 2005; Hodder and Stoughton, 1978; AussaatVerlag (German), 1979; Gideon (Dutch), 1980; Editora Sinodal (Portugese), 1984; Seibunsha (Japanese), 1989; IVP (Korean), 1998; R.O.C. (Chinese), 1998.
- Evangelism, Salvation and Social Justice. Grove, 1977; IVP (Korean), 1985.
- Karlstadt’s Battle with Luther: Documents in a Liberal-Radical Debate. Fortress, 1978; James Clark, Cambridge, 1982.
- Christ and Violence. Herald, 1979; Lion Publishing (England), 1980; Skeab Forlag (Sweden), 1981; Ediciones Semilla (Guatemala), 1992.
- Cry Justice: The Bible on Hunger and Poverty (ed.). InterVarsity and Paulist, 1980; new ed., For They Shall Be Fed, Word, 1997; GKMI (Indonesia), 1991.
- Living More Simply (ed.). InterVarsity, 1980; Hodder and Stoughton, 1980.
- Evangelicals and Development: Toward a Theology of Social Change (ed.). Paternoster and Westminster, 1982.
- Lifestyle in the Eighties: An Evangelical Commitment to Simple Life-Style (ed.). Paternoster and Westminster, 1982.
- Preaching on Peace (ed. with Darrel Brubaker). Fortress, 1982.
- Nuclear Holocaust and Christian Hope (with Richard K. Taylor). InterVarsity and Paulist, 1982; Hodder and Stoughton (England) and Aussaat Verlag (Germany), 1984.
- Peace and War: A Debate About Pacifism (with Oliver O’Donovan). Bramcote Notts, Grove Books (England), 1985.
- Evangelical Faith and Social Ethics (in Chinese). Hong Kong: China Graduate School of Theology, 1986.
- Completely Pro-Life. InterVarsity, 1987.
- Preaching About Life in a Threatening World (with Michael A. King). Westminster, 1988.
- JustLife/88: A 1988 Election Study Guide for Justice, Life and Peace (with Kathleen Hayes). Eerdmans, 1988.
- Exploring the Limits of Non-Violence. Spire, 1988; U.S. ed., Non-Violence: The Invincible Weapon? Word, 1989.
- One-Sided Christianity? Uniting the Church to Heal a Lost and Broken World. Zondervan/Harper, 1993; new ed., Good News and Good Works: A Theology for the Whole Gospel, Baker, 1999; Hodder and Stoughton, 1993; Brendow (German), 1995; Campus Evangelical Fellowship (Chinese), 1998.
- Cup of Water, Bread of Life: Inspiring Stories About Overcoming Lopsided Christianity. Zondervan/Harper, 1994; Triangle, 1995; InterVarsity (Korean), 1999.
- Christianity and Economics in the Post-Cold War Era: The Oxford Declaration and Beyond (ed. with Vinay K. Samuel and Herb Schlossberg). Eerdmans, 1994; Dar El-Thaqafa (Arabic), 1997.
- Genuine Christianity. Zondervan, 1996; new ed., Living Like Jesus: Eleven Essentials for Growing a Genuine Faith, Baker, 1999; InterVarsity (Korean), 1997; Editora United (Brazilian), 1998; Arabic, 1998.
- Just Generosity: A New Vision for Overcoming Poverty in America. Baker, 1999.
- Churches That Make a Difference: Reaching Your Community with Good News and Good Works (with Philip N. Olson and Heidi Rolland Unruh). Baker, 2002.
- Doing Evangelism Jesus’ Way: How Christians Demonstrate the Good News. Baker, 2003.
- Toward an Evangelical Public Policy: Political Strategies for the Health of the Nations (ed. with Diane Knippers). Baker, 2005.
- The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience: Why Are Christians Living Just Like the Rest of the World? Baker, 2005.
Chapters in Books
- “The Christian as Peacemaker: A Response.” In Perfect Love and War: A Dialogue on Christian Holiness and the Issues of War and Peace, ed. Paul Hostetler, 83-88. Nappanee, IN: Evangel, 1974.
- “The Messiah Urban Satellite Campus.” In The Urban Mission, ed. Craig Ellison, 92-99. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974.
- “The Peace of Christ.” In Preaching on National Holidays, ed. Alton M. Motter, 99-104. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976.
- “A Biblical Perspective on Stewardship.” In The Earth Is the Lord’s: Essays on Stewardship, ed. Mary Evelyn Jegen and Bruno V. Manno, 1-21. New York: Paulist, 1978.
- “Science and Technology: A Response.” In Evangelicals Face the Future, ed. Donald E. Hoke, 55-60. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1978.
- “Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt: Zwischen Liberalitat und Radikalitat.” In Radikale Reformatoren, ed. Hans-Jurgen Goertz, 21-29. Verlag C. H. Beck, 1978.
- “God and the Poor: Toward a Theology of Development.” In The Ministry of Development in Evangelical Perspective, ed. Carl F. H. Henry and Robert Lincoln Hancock, 35-39. William Carey Library, 1979.
- “Evangelicalism and the Mennonite Tradition.” In Evangelicalism and Anabaptism, ed. C. Norman Kraus, 149-68. Herald, 1979.
- “An Evangelical Theology of Liberation.” In Perspectives on Evangelical Theology, ed. Kenneth S. Kantzer and Stanley N. Gundry, 117-34. Baker, 1979.
- “Resurrection and Liberation: An Evangelical Approach to Social Justice.” In The Recovery of Spirit in Higher Education, ed. Robert Rankin, 154-77. New York: Seabury, 1980.
- “International Aggression and Nonmilitary Defense.” In What About the Russians? ed. Dale W. Brown, 143-49. Brethren, 1984.
- “The Way of the Cross.” In Perspectives on Peacemaking: Biblical Opinions in the Nuclear Age, ed. John A. Bernbaum, 129-46. Ventura: Regal, 1984.
- “Miracles, Methodology, and Modern Western Christology.” In Sharing Jesus in the Two Thirds World, ed. Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden. Partnership in Mission, 1983; Eerdmans, 1985.
- “An Evangelical Theology of Liberation.” In Piety and Politics: Evangelicals and Fundamentalists Confront the World, ed. Richard John Neuhaus and Michael Cromartie, 143-60. Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1987.
- “An Evangelical Vision for American Democracy: An Anabaptist Perspective.” In The Bible, Politics and Democracy, ed. Richard John Neuhaus, 32-54. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.
- “Mennonites and the Poor: Toward an Anabaptist Theology of Liberation.” In Freedom and Discipleship: Liberation Theology in an Anabaptist Perspective, ed. Daniel S. Schipani, 85-100. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1989.
- “Christian Ethics and the Good News of the Kingdom.” In Proclaiming Christ in Christ’s Way: Studies in Integral Evangelism, ed. Vinay Samuel and Albrecht Hauser, 122-43. Oxford: Regnum, 1989.
- “Christian Ethics and the Good News of the Kingdom: Doing Christian Ethics in an Eschatological Key.” In Within the Perfection of Christ, ed. Terry L. Brensinger and E. Morris Sider, 13-22. Evangel, 1990.
- “Two Very Special People.” In What My Parents Did Right, ed. Gloria Gaither. Star Song, 1991.
- “Connecting the Welfare Tragedy” (with Heidi Rolland). In Welfare in America, ed. Stanley W. Carlson-Thies and James W. Skillen, 454-79. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996.
- “Seeking the Face of Jesus.” In Godward: Personal Stories of Grace, ed. Ted Koontz, ch. 21. Herald, 1996.
- “Evaluating the Triumph of the Market: Where Do We Go from Here?” In The Jubilee Challenge: Utopia or Possibility? ed. Hans Ucko, 112-33. Geneva: WCC Publications, 1997.
- “Economic Justice: A Biblical Paradigm” (with Stephen Mott). In Toward a Just and Caring Society: Christian Responses to Poverty in America, ed. David P. Gushee, ch. 1. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1999.
- “An (Ana)Baptist Theological Perspective on Church-State Partnership: Evaluating ‘Charitable Choice’ ” (with Heidi Rolland Unruh). In Welfare Reform and Faith-Based Organizations, ed. Derek Davis and Barry Hankins, 89-138. Waco, TX: J. W. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies, Baylor University, 1999.
- “No Aid to Religion? Charitable Choice and the First Amendment” (with Heidi Rolland Unruh). In What’s God Got to Do with the American Experiment? ed. E. J. Dionne, Jr. and John J. DiIulio Jr., ch. 18. Washington: Brookings Institution, 2000.
- “Toward an Evangelical Political Philosophy.” In Christians and Politics Beyond the Culture Wars: An Agenda for Engagement, ed. David P. Gushee, ch. 6. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000.
- “Why Would Anyone Ever Want to Be an Evangelical?” In The Gospel with Extra Salt: Friends of Tony Campolo Celebrate His Passions for Ministry, ed. Joseph B. Modica, ch. 5. Valley Forge: Judson, 2000.
- “Naming Sin and Communicating Compassion.” In What Mennonites Are Thinking: 2001, ed. Merle and Phyllis Pellman Good. Intercourse, PA: Good, 2001.
- “How Should Christians Respond?” In Strike Terror No More, ed. Jon L. Berquist. St. Louis: Chalice, 2002.
- “Evangelism and Social Services” (with Heidi Rolland Unruh). In Christianity and Social Work: Readings on the Integration of Christian Faith and Social Work Practice, ed. Beryl Hugen and T. Laine Scales, 305-26. Botsford, CT: NACSW, 2002.
- “Troeltsch Revisited,” Perkins School of Theology Journal 21 (1967-68): 40-44.
- “Karlstadt and Luther’s Doctorate,” Journal of Theological Studies 22 (1971): 168-69.
- “Historical Methodology and Alleged Miracles: A Reply to Van A. Harvey,” Fides et Historia 2 (1970): 22-40.
- “Karlstadt’s Orlamunde Theology: A Theology of Regeneration,” Mennonite Quarterly Review 45 (1971): 191-218, 352-76.
- “A Case for Easter,” HIS, April 1972, 27-31.
- “The Historian, the Miraculous and Post-Newtonian Man,” Scottish Journal of Theology 25 (1972): 309-19.
- “The Ministry of Affluence: A Graduated Tithe,” HIS, December 1972, 6-8.
- Spirituality and Social Concern,” The Other Side, January-February 1973, 8-11, 38-41.
- “Allegiance,” “Communal Love,” “Conflict of Duties, Interest,” “Zeal, Zealot,” in Baker’s Dictionary of Christian Ethics, ed. Carl F. H. Henry (Baker, 1973).
- “Christian Cluster Colleges,” Christianity Today 18 (1974): 982-86.
- “The Pauline Conception of the Resurrection Body in 1 Corinthians 15:35-54,” New Testament Studies 21 (1975): 428-39.
- “The Values-Oriented Cluster College,” CASC Newsletter 17 (March 1974): 13-15.
- “Watching Over One Another in Love,” The Other Side, May-June 1975, 1Off.
- “Evangelism, Salvation and Social Justice,” International Review of Mission 64 (1975): 251-67.
- “Evangelicals and the WCC,” Engage/Social Action 4 (February-March 1976): 41-45.
- “Where Have All the Liberals Gone?” The Other Side, May-June 1976, 42-44.
- “Mischief by Statute: How We Oppress the Poor,” Christianity Today, 16 July 1976, 14-19.
- “A Call for Evangelical Nonviolence,” Christian Century, 15 September 1976, 753-57.
- “Evangelism or Social Justice: Eliminating the Options,” Christianity Today, 8 October 1976, 26-29.
- “Spare the Rod and Spoil the Church,” Eternity, October 1976, 18ff.
- “The Values-Oriented Cluster College: A New Model for Christian Higher Education,” Religion in Life, fall 1976, 436-48.
- “Corporate Guilt and Institutionalized Racism,” Action 36 (spring 1977): 11-12, 26-28.
- “Sharing the Wealth: The Church as Biblical Model for Public Policy,” Christian Century 8-15 June 1977, 560-66.
- “St. Paul’s Understanding of the Nature and Significance of the Resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15:1-19,” Novum Testamentum 19 (1977): 1-18.
- “A Biblical Perspective on Stewardship,” New Catholic World, September-October 1977, 212-20.
- “Is God Really on the Side of the Poor?” Sojourners, October 1977, 11-14.
- “The Christian College: Beachhead or Bulwark?” The Other Side, August 1978, 17-25.
- “Reconciling Our Enemies,” Sojourners, January 1979, 14-17.
- “Cautions Against Ecclesiastical Elegance,” Christianity Today, 17 August 1979, 15-19.
- “Jesus’ Resurrection and Radical Discipleship,” Presbyterian Communiques, November-December 1979, 3-4, 12-15.
- “Kreuz und Gewalt,” Evangelische Mission Jahrbuch (1979): 75-94.
- “Christ and Power,” International Review of Mission (January 1980): 8-20.
- “Words and Deeds,” Journal of Theology for Southern Africa (Fall l979): 31-50.
- “The Awesome Danger of Nuclear War” (with Richard K. Taylor), The Other Side, January 1982, 10-17.
- “Jesus’ Resurrection and the Search for Peace and Justice,” Christian Century, 3 November 1982, 1103-08.
- “Fighting Fire with Water” (with Richard K. Taylor), Sojourners, April 1983, 14-17.
- “International Aggression and Nonmilitary Defense” (with Richard K. Taylor), Christian Century, 6-13 July 1983, 643-47.
- “Let’s Get the Church Off the Soapbox,” Christianity Today, 16 March 1984, 54.
- “Are We Willing to Die for Peace?” Gospel Herald, 25 December 1984, 898-901.
- “Why Me Lord: Reluctant Reflections on the Trip to Nicaragua,” The Other Side, May 1985, 20-25.
- “An Evangelical Vision for Public Life,” Transformation, July-September 1985, 1-9, 13-14.
- “Green Politics: Biblical or Buddhist?” SCP Newsletter, fall 1985, 7-11.
- “Returning to Our Roots,” Evangelical Visitor, October 1986, 4-9.
- “The Hottest Race Issue in the World” (with Donald McGavran), World Christian, September-October 1987, 19-24.
- “A Plea for Conservative Radicals and Radical Conservatives,” Christian Century, 1 October 1986, 834-38.
- “AIDS: An Evangelical Perspective,” Christian Century, 6-13 January 1988, 11-14.
- “Toward a Biblical Perspective on Equality: Steps on the Way Toward Christian Political Engagement,” Interpretation (April 1989): 156-69.
- “Uncle Jesse,” Moody Monthly, 10 June 1989, 71-73.
- “Babies, Bombs and the Bible: Abortion Is Not the Only Issue,” Christianity Today, 14 July 1989, 28-32.
- “Our Peace and Our Evangelism Must Come Together,” Gospel Herald, 17 March 1992, 1-4.
- “Redeeming the Environmentalists,” Christianity Today, 21 June 1993, 26-29.
- “Has Evangelism Become Politically Incorrect?” Sojourners, July 1993, 12-16.
- “Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger Revisited,” Discernment, spring 1995, 2-7.
- “The Place of Humans in the Garden of God,” The Amicus Journal, spring 1995, 12-14.
- “Toward a Defining Center for Mennonites: Loving People the Way Jesus Loved People,” Gospel Herald, 21 November 1995, 1-4.
- “Toward an Evangelical Political Agenda,” Quaker Life, September 1996, 20-22.
- “Our Selective Rage,” Christianity Today, 12 August 1996, 14-15.
- “Can God Use Democrats?” Charisma, October 1996, 48-53.
- “Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger Revisited,” Christian Scholar’s Review (spring 1997): 322-44.
- “Why Evangelicals Need a Political Philosophy,” Transformation, July 1997, 1-10.
- “Should We Give Up on Government?” (with Fred Clark), Christianity Today, 2 March 1998, 53-54.
- “No Aid to Religion? Charitable Choice and the First Amendment” (with Heidi Unruh), Brookings Review (spring 1999): 46-49.
- “Maximizing the Contribution of Faith-Based Organizations to Solve Today’s Most Urgent Social Problems,” Social Work and Christianity (spring 2000): 71-79.
- “The Ethical Challenges of Global Capitalism,” Discernment, winter 2001, 2-3.
- “Evangelism and Church-State Partnerships” (with Heidi Unruh), Journal of Church and State (spring 2001): 267-95.
- “Among White Evangelicals,” Boston Review (April-May 2001): 15.
- “Revisiting Mt. Carmel Through Charitable Choice,” Christianity Today, 11 June 2001, 84-89.
- “Grossly Unfair: Evaluating the Bush Proposal,” Christian Ethics Today (August 2001): 18-19.
- “God’s Heart for the Oppressed,” Discipleship Journal, November-December 2001, 56-59.
- “The Case for ‘Discrimination,’ ” First Things, June-July 2002, 19-22.
- “Just Generosity: A New Vision for Overcoming Poverty in America,” CCDA Restorer, Part I (summer-fall 2003); Part II (winter-spring 2004); Part III (spring-summer 2004).
- “Widespread Poverty in the Richest Nation in Human History,” Enrichment, spring 2004, 40-48.
- “Typology of Religious Characteristics of Social Service and Educational Organizations and Programs” (with Heidi Rolland Unruh), Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (March 2004): 109-34.
- “ ‘Charitable choice’ addresses the spiritual roots of social problems” (with Sen. Rick Santorum), The Philadelphia Inquirer, 23 January 1999, A13.
- “Bush’s references to Jesus Christ evoke uneasy civic role of religion,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 23 December 1999, A19.
- “Bush can build bridges over divide,” The Dallas Morning News, 19 December 2000, 23A.
- “Bush can make world believe in compassionate conservatism,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 26 December 2000, A27.
- “Can faith help solve our tough social problems?” The Boston Globe, 30 January 2001, A11.
- “Evangelicals don’t fit political stereotype,” The Dallas Morning News, 6 March 2001, 15A.
- “Evangelical leaders not in support of tax cut,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 13 May 2001, E5.
- “Bush must address other half of poverty,” The Dallas Morning News, 26 May 2001, 27A.
- “The path to a better future,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 6 January 2002, D5.
- “At a time of growing poverty, new tax cut plan is an outrage,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 12 February 2003, A23.
Interviews/Articles about Ron Sider
- Committee for Justice and Liberty Newsletter, winter 1978, 5-8.
- Eternity, April 1979, 19-21.
- Buzz, February 1979, 48-51.
- Wittenberg Door, October-November 1979, 12-16, 25-28.
- Festival Quarterly, winter 1985, 7-11.
- The Other Side, October 1986, 10-14.
- Quaker Life, July-August 1987, 8-9.
- Equipping the Saints, Summer 1989.
- Christianity Today, 27 April 1992.
- Tear Times, winter 1996, 12-13.
- Christianity Today, 28 April 1997, 68-69.
- Joel Fetzer and Gretchen S. Carnes, “Dr. Ron Sider: Mennonite Environmentalist on the Evangelical Left.” In Religious Leaders and Faith-Based Politics: Ten Profiles, ed. Jo Renee Formicola and Hubert Morken, ch. 8. New York: Rowan and Littlefield, 2001.
- The Door Magazine, March-April 2002, 19-23.
- Workman Lectures, Ashland Theological Seminary, April 1975.
- The Huston Memorial Peace Lecture, Bethany Theological Seminary, 17 April 1975.
- Staley Lecturer, at numerous colleges.
- E. Stanley Jones Lectures on Evangelism, Boston University School of Theology, 1981.
- Josephine So Memorial Lectures, China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong, November 1985.
- McClure Lectures, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, September 1992.
- Tipple Lecture, The Theological School, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, 23 October 1996.
- Sorensen Lecture, Yale Divinity School, October 2002.
- Head of Voter Registration Drive in New Haven, Conn., 1967.
- Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, Messiah College, 1968-78; Acting Director and Dean, 1971-75.
- Member of the Board, Evangelicals for Social Action, 1973; Chairperson, 1973-75; President, 1978-84; Chairperson, 1984-1987.
- Co-Chairperson, National Workshop on Race and Reconciliation, Atlanta, 1975.
- Member, Social Action Commission, National Association of Evangelicals, 1975-present.
- Fellow, Institute for Advanced Christian Studies, 1976 (to do research on Historical Methodology and Jesus’ Resurrection).
- Coordinator and Chairperson, Discipleship Workshops: Focus on Justice, 1976-80.
- Convenor, Unit on Ethics and Society, Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Fellowship, 1977-1986.
- Associate Professor of Theology, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1978-1984; Professor of Theology and Culture, Eastern Baptist/Palmer Theological Seminary, 1984-present.
- Member of Board, Mennonite Central Committee, 1978-80.
- Member of Board, Bread for the World, 1978-84.
- Coordinator, International Consultation on Simple Lifestyle, London, 17-21 March 1980.
- Contributing Editor, Sojourners.
- Co-Editor, Transformation: An International Evangelical Dialogue on Mission and Ethics (with Vinay K. Samuel and Tokunboh Adeyemo): 1984-99.
- Executive Director, Evangelicals for Social Action, 1987-92; President, 1992-present.
- Executive Director, Just Life, 1987-91; President, 1991-93.
- President, Diamond Street Community Center, 1986-91.
- Publisher: PRISM, 1993-present; Creation Care, 1998-2002; and Green Cross, 1994-98.
- Corresponding Editor, Christianity Today, 1993-present.
- Member, Working Group on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, 2001.
- Co-Chair (with Barry Lynn and Sen. Harris Wofford): Working Group II on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, 2002-03.
- Member of Advisory Boards, including: Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life; Faith and Service Technical Education Network of the National Crime Prevention Council.
- Member of Steering Committee, Christian Churches Together in the U.S.A., 2002-present.
- Chair, Christians for Faith-Based Initiatives, 2003-05.