October 1975 · Vol. 4 No. 4 · p. 390
Book Review
Paul and Jesus
F. F. Bruce. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1974. 91 pages.
This new volume from the prolific British evangelical scholar presents the essence of a series of six lectures given at the Ontario Bible College. It is the fourth in this series of lectures to be made available by Baker Book House and is a worthy addition to the series.
Bruce refutes the view of liberal New Testament scholars that the teaching of Paul represents a later development of and divergence from the teaching of Jesus. While Paul makes little appeal to the historic Jesus in his epistles, Bruce presents evidence that Paul was not ignorant of the historical facts concerning the life and teaching of Jesus. There is admittedly a difference between the messages of Jesus and Paul, but this is due to the different perspective of Paul. Paul’s presentation and emphasis must be understood in the light of his transforming personal encounter with the glorified Christ. He lived and wrote in the light of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The concluding lecture shows that Paul’s presentation of Jesus as Lord has its roots in the Old Testament and was the basic conviction of Christianity from its very beginning. The identification of Jesus with the Lord of the Old Testament was the inevitable result of the personal impact of Jesus Christ upon His followers.