Spring 2024 · Vol. 53 No. 1 · pp. 118–122
Faculty Publications 2023
- Baker, Mark D. Freedom from Religiosity and Judgmentalism: Studies in Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Luminaire Series. Winnipeg: Kindred Productions, 2023. [FPU]
- Bell, Bernard, Joshua Coutts, Joseph Lee, and Jesse Nickel, editors. It’s About Life: The Formative Power of Scripture. Essays in Honour of Rikk E. Watts. Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2023. [CBC]
- Bouma-Prediger, Steven, and Nathan Carson, eds. Ecoflourishing and Virtue: Christian Perspectives across the Disciplines. New York: Routledge, 2023. [FPU]
- Carden, Allen, and Thomas J. Ebert. Abraham Lincoln and His Times: A Sourcebook on His Life, His Presidency, Slavery and Civil War. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2023. [FPU]
- Geddert, Timothy J. The Beginning of the Story: Understanding the Old Testament in the Story of Scripture. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2023. [FPU]
- Tully, Ken, and Pamela D. Johnston, eds. The Hagiography of Saint Abercius: Introduction, Texts, and Translations. New York: Routledge, 2023. [FPU]
- Boruszko, Graciela Susana. “Interdisciplinary Voices of the Ecoflourishing: ‘Glocal’ Dialogue from Non-Western Cultural and Literary Perspectives.” In Ecoflourishing and Virtue: Christian Perspectives across the Disciplines. Edited by Steven Bouma-Prediger and Nathan Carson, 155–66. New York: Routledge, 2023. [FPU] {119}
- Howard, Melanie. “Feminist Perspective.” In Preaching Romans from Here: Diverse Voices Engage Paul’s Most Famous Letter, 101–13. Eugene, OR: Cascade Publishing House, 2023. [FPU]
- Huebner, Chris. “To Burn or Not to Burn: Representations of Martyrdom and the Question of Peace and Violence.” In A Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace: Global Mennonite Perspectives on Peacebuilding and Nonviolence. Just Peace, vol. 2. Edited by Fernando Enns, Nina Schroeder-van ‘t Schip, and Andrés Pacheco-Lozano, 238–53. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2023. [CMU]
- Kunz, Michael. “John Muir, Deep Time, and the Hope of Ecoflourishing.” In Ecoflourishing and Virtue: Christian Perspectives across the Disciplines. Edited by Steven Bouma-Prediger and Nathan Carson, 100–111. New York: Routledge, 2023. [FPU]
- Nickel, Jesse. “The Kingdom of Peace: Jesus’s Nonviolent Ministry and the Life of the People of God.” In It’s About Life: The Formative Power of Scripture. Essays in Honour of Rikk E. Watts. Edited by Bernard Bell, Joshua Coutts, Joseph Lee, and Jesse Nickel, 63–81. Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2023. [CBC]
- Buckland, Jerry, Wendy Nur, and Jodi Dueck-Read. “The Mixed Impact of Care Work on the Finances of Low-Income Canadians: Insights from the Canadian Financial Diaries Research Project,” Social Policy and Society (2023): 1–13. doi:10.1017/S1474746422000720. [CMU]
- Chaney, Megan, and Joanne M. Van Boxtel. “Essential Dispositions for Special Educators: An Examination of National Standards and Guiding Principles.” Journal of the American Academy of Special Education, Fall 2023. [FPU]
- Clements, Chris D. “From Confusion to Hope: The Christian Practice of Lament in the Faith of Late Adolescence.” Journal of Youth and Theology Online First (2023): 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1163/24055093-bja10059. [CBC]
- ———. “In Defence of Fun: Pastoral Care of Young People and the Seriousness of Fun.” Pastoral Psychology 72 (2023): 777–89. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11089-023-01078-8. [CBC]
- Clements, Chris D., and Peter Bush, “Strangers in the Right Way: Care across Theological Difference.” Practical Theology Online First {120} (2023): 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/1756073X.2023.2278903. [CBC]
- Ghali, Adam A. “The Pandemic Reveals That We Are Nature.” Direction 52, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 55–68. [FPBS]
- Gilbert, Pierre. “Unity in a Time of Crisis. A Torah Perspective.” The Messenger 61 (May/June 2023): 6–9. [CMU]
- Glanzer, Jules. “A Theology of Leadership from the Psalms.” Direction 52, no. 2 (Fall 2023): 112–18. [TC]
- Howard, Melanie A. “Cast out by the Spirit to the Desert of Holy Disruption,” Anabaptist World, 24 March 2023, 36. [FPU]
- ———. “Commentary on Matthew 5:13-20.” Working Preacher, February 5, 2023. https://www.working preacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/fifth-sunday-after-epiphany/commentary-on-matthew-513-20-5. [FPU]
- ———. “Commentary on Matthew 5:21-37.” Working Preacher, February 12, 2023. https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/sixth-sunday-after-epiphany/commentary-on-matthew-521-37-5. [FPU]
- ———. “Commentary on Philippians 2:5-11.” Working Preacher, April 2, 2023. https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/sunday-of-the-passion-palm-sunday/commentary-on-philippians-25-11-18. [FPU]
- ———. “Don’t Forget the Cattle.” Anabaptist World, 16 June 2023, 38. [FPU]
- ———. “Is Jesus Bad for Student Retention? Leaving the Ninety-Two for the One.” Christian Scholars Review Blog (blog), September 27, 2023. https://christianscholars.com/is-jesus-bad-for-student-retention-leaving-the-ninety-three-for-the-one/. [FPU]
- ———. “Is the Tree Doing Its Job?” Anabaptist World, 22 September 2023, 42. [FPU]
- ———. “Legalism and Liberating Obedience: A Case Study on Sabbath Observance in the Synoptic Gospels.” Sacra Testamentum 3 (2023): 1–16. [FPU] {121}
- ———. “Seeing, Hearing, Feeling Christmas.” Anabaptist World, 22 December 2023, 44. [FPU]
- Kinnison, Quentin. “Learning to Grieve in a New World: A Pastoral Reflection.” Direction 52, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 28–40. [FPU]
- Kroeker, Wendy. “ ‘Justpeace-Diaconia’ and the Challenges of Reconciliation in the Canadian Context.” Religions 14, no. 5, (2023): 651ff; https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/14/5/651. [CMU]
- Lee, Ryan. “All to Jesus: A Meditation on Jesus’s Parables.” Direction 52, no. 2 (Fall 2023): 159–62. [TC]
- Lindberg, Autumn. “The Misguided Promise of Relational Defenses and the Courage to Hope.” Direction 52, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 21–27. [FPU]
- McDonald, Kurt. “Online and Hybrid Pedagogy Practices: Honoring Christ in All We Do.” Direction 52, no. 2 (Fall 2023): 128–37. [TC]
- McMillen, Rebecca, and John McMillen. “Navigating the Digital Landscape: A Wise Use Social Media Model.” Pacific Journal 18 (2023): 13–25. [FPU]
- Miller, Douglas B. “Jonah’s Faith Pedagogy.” Direction 52, no. 2 (Fall 2023): 99–111. [TC]
- Perry, Robin K., Darrell W. Blanks, Gisela Cruz-Hawley, and Allyson Maldonado. “Partnering for Teaching Performance Assessment Support.” Connections 12, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2023): 8. [FPU]
- Ross, Brian A. “Then and Now: A Traveling Preacher’s Observations of the Post-COVID-19 Church.” Direction 52, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 41–54. [FPBS]
- Smith, Cheryl Dueck. “Clergy Care, Couples, and COVID-19: Fostering Resilience.” Direction 52, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 5–20. [FPU]
- Steffen, Wayne. “From Blowing up Gates of Journalism to (Maybe) Rebuilding Them: Social Media and the News.” Pacific Journal 18 (2023): 33–37. [FPU]
- Tham, Sarah. “Emulating Jesus in the Classroom.” Direction 52, no. 2 (Fall 2023): 138–46. [TC] {122}
- Koop, Karl, ed. Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology 24, no. 1 (Spring 2023). Theme: “Uncertainty.” [CMU]
- Roberts, Laura Schmidt, and Cynthia McGrady, eds. Direction: A Mennonite Brethren Forum 52, no. 1 (Spring 2023). Theme: “Pandemic Perspectives.” [FPU]
- Tham, Sarah, ed. Direction 52, no. 2 (Fall 2023). Theme: “Thoughts on Christian Education.” [TC]
This bibliography includes publications of faculty, emeriti, and students of schools that sponsor Direction, identified as follows:
- Canadian Mennonite University (CMU)
- Columbia Bible College (CBC)
- Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary (FPBS)
- Fresno Pacific University (FPU)
- MB Seminary (a.k.a., Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary Canada) (MBS)
- Tabor College (TC)
In cases of multiple authors where one author is not from a sponsoring school, the name of the author of interest is set in bold type.