Rick Faw
53/2 (2024): 179–186 |
Feature Article
Caring for Creation in the Local Church: Where to Begin? |
Chris K. Huebner
53/1 (2024): 39–50 |
Feature Article
From Raisins to Reason: Mennonites, Spinoza, and the Question of Religion |
Richard Lougheed
David Miller
51/2 (2022): 195–199 |
Feature Article
A Response from Quebec |
A. H. Unruh
51/1 (2022): 33–43 |
Feature Article
Enmity toward Jews (Anti-Semitism) |
Jesse Nickel
50/2 (2021): 165–176 |
Feature Article
‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’: Eschatology, Violence, and the Ministry of Jesus |
Chris D. Clements
50/2 (2021): 201–214 |
Feature Article
Caring about Humility |
Ched Myers
49/1 (2020): 5–17 |
Feature Article
Nature against Empire: Exodus Plagues, Climate Crisis, and Hard-Heartedness |
Nathan Davis Hunt
49/1 (2020): 28–41 |
Feature Article
The Shanty and the Watershed: Economics and Atonement for an Integral Restoration of Creation |
Ken Martens Friesen
49/1 (2020): 42–51 |
Feature Article
A Mennonite Call to Simplicity |
Katie Isaac
49/1 (2020): 52–62 |
Feature Article
Starting and Sustaining Creation Care Conversations |
Katerina Friesen
49/1 (2020): 71–81 |
Feature Article
When Ducks Come to Church: Worshipping with Wild Church |
Laura Schmidt Roberts
Michael Kunz
49/1 (2020): 82–87 |
Recommended Reading
On Eco-Discipleship |
Karl Koop
48/2 (2019): 137–148 |
Feature Article
Putting Doctrine in its Place: Confessions of Faith, Modernism, and the Lex Vivendi |
Kimberley Morrison
48/1 (2019): 22–37 |
Feature Article
A Macarism for the Displaced Person |
Tim Dickau
48/1 (2019): 49–54 |
Feature Article
Seeking the Kingdom of God as a Church in a Postmodern Age |
Gloria J. Woodland
47/2 (2018): 142–153 |
Feature Article
Ministry amid Competing Values: Pastoral Care and Medical Assistance in Dying |
Carol Penner
45/2 (2016): 192–208 |
Feature Article
Violence Against Women in the Mennonite Brethren Church: Abuse Policies are Not Enough |
Mohammad Ali Shomali
45/1 (2016): 22–31 |
Feature Article
Spiritual Poverty: A Shi’i Perspective |
Harry Huebner
45/1 (2016): 47–59 |
Feature Article
Mennonite–Shi’a Engagement: Proclamation, Friendship, Peacebuilding |
David W. Shenk
45/1 (2016): 74–85 |
Ministry Compass
Practice Hospitality |
Michael Gilmour
44/2 (2015): 173–182 |
Feature Article
C. S. Lewis Proposes a Toast: Health to All Animals, Real and Imagined |
Douglas Harink
44/1 (2015): 30–42 |
Feature Article
Romans: A Treatise on Justice? |
Gordon M. Zerbe
44/1 (2015): 43–58 |
Feature Article
From Retributive to Restorative Justice in Romans |
Arthur Dück
41/2 (2012): 267–276 |
Feature Article
Holistic Witness in Religiously Diverse Societies |
Marlene Wall
41/2 (2012): 277–286 |
Feature Article
Holistic Witness in Changing Societies |
David W. T. Brattston
39/2 (2010): 265–270 |
Feature Article
Disputes Between Christians |
Gordon Zerbe
38/2 (2009): 193–208 |
Feature Article
Citizenship and Politics According to Philippians |
Alvin Dueck
David Goodman
Adam Ghali
38/2 (2009): 209–222 |
Feature Article
Christian Psychology and the (Ir)relevance of Jesus |
Paul Doerksen
38/1 (2009): 2–4 |
From the Editor: Toward Anabaptist Political Theology |
John E. Toews
38/1 (2009): 5–16 |
Feature Article
The Politics of Confession |
Janis Thiessen
38/1 (2009): 17–28 |
Feature Article
Communism and Labor Unions: The Changing Perspectives of Mennonites in Canada and the United States |
Douglas B. Miller
35/2 (2006): 206–7 |
From the Editor: The Evangelical Conscience |
David Faber
35/2 (2006): 209–21 |
Feature Article
Discerning the Scandal and Its Depth |
Jon Isaak
35/2 (2006): 222–34 |
Feature Article
The Biblical Witness/Invitation to an Alternative World: A Reading Strategy for the Journey |
Harold Jantz
35/2 (2006): 235–44 |
Feature Article
Looking for Grace and the Gospel |
John H. Redekop
35/2 (2006): 245–52 |
Feature Article
Being the Church in the Midst of Culture |
Paul Doerksen
35/2 (2006): 253–60 |
Feature Article
Hope Without Eschatology? |
Ronald J. Sider
35/2 (2006): 261–65 |
Feature Article
Reflections on the Essay Responses |
Douglas B. Miller
35/1 (2006): 2 |
From the Editor: Old Testament Scholarship in Honor of Allen Guenther |
Ken Esau
35/1 (2006): 4–17 |
Feature Article
Divine Deception in the Exodus Event? |
Paul A. Keim
35/1 (2006): 82–86 |
Feature Article
“And the Third Is Like unto It” |
Vic Froese
35/1 (2006): 154–61 |
Feature Article
The Purpose-Driven Life: A Review Essay |
Ryan Schellenberg
Tim Geddert
34/2 (2005): 170–80 |
Feature Article
Phinehas and the Pharisees: Identity and Tolerance in Biblical Perspective |
Loren L. Johns
34/2 (2005): 194–214 |
Feature Article
Conceiving Violence: The Apocalypse of John and the Left Behind Series |
Bruce L. Guenther
34/2 (2005): 215–27 |
Feature Article
The “Enduring Problem” of Christ and Culture |
Chris K. Huebner
34/2 (2005): 228–40 |
Feature Article
Between Victory and Victimhood: Reflections on Culture and Martyrdom |
Tom Friesen
34/2 (2005): 264–69 |
Ministry Compass
The Courageous in the Land |
Landon Fulmer
33/1 (2004): 85–101 |
Feature Article
American Mennonites and Nonviolence |
Wally Kroeker
32/2 (2003): 229–233 |
Recommended Reading
On Vocation |
Dalton Reimer
32/1 (2003): 3–9 |
Feature Article
Toward a Holistic Understanding of Peace: The Twentieth-Century Journey |
Gerald Janzen
32/1 (2003): 21–31 |
Feature Article
Divine Warfare and Nonresistance |
Jon Isaak
32/1 (2003): 32–46 |
Feature Article
The Christian Community and Political Responsibility: Romans 13:1-7 |
Gordon Zerbe
32/1 (2003): 47–60 |
Feature Article
Revelation’s Exposé of Two Cities: Babylon and New Jerusalem |
Duane Ruth-Heffelbower
32/1 (2003): 61–74 |
Feature Article
Solving the Problem of Violence |
Gordon H. Matties
32/1 (2003): 127–30 |
Recommended Reading
Nurturing Peace, Responding to Violence: A Bibliographic Reflection |
Lori Kantymir
30/2 (2001): 177–83 |
Feature Article
The Ten Commandments: Maintaining Authentic Humanity |
Michael Kunz
29/1 (2000): 46–53 |
Feature Article
Sociobiology, Anabaptism, and the “Problem” of Altruism |
Lynn Jost
27/2 (1998): 177–88 |
Feature Article
Warfare in the Old Testament: An Argument for Peacemaking in the New Millennium |
Kazuhiro Enomoto
27/1 (1998): 14–19 |
Feature Article
Peacemakers in All Situations: A Meditation on Love and Nonresistance |
Doug Heidebrecht
25/2 (1996): 54–63 |
Feature Article
The Renewal of Perception: Romans 12:2 and Post Modernity |
Tim Geddert
24/1 (1995): 28–35 |
Feature Article
The Parable of the Prodigal: Priorities (Luke 15:11-32) |
John Vooys
24/1 (1995): 36–40 |
Feature Article
Parables and Meaning |
Allen R. Guenther
24/1 (1995): 41–53 |
Feature Article
Interpreting the Silences (Deut. 24:1-4) |
Harold J. Dyck
24/1 (1995): 54–56 |
Feature Article
Respecting the Silences |
Gordon H. Matties
24/1 (1995): 57–70 |
Feature Article
Reading Rahab’s Story: Beyond the Moral of the Story (Joshua 2) |
Lynn Jost
24/1 (1995): 71–73 |
Feature Article
Hearing Rahab’s Story |
Elmer A. Martens
18/1 (1989): 3–4 |
Feature Article
Case Study: The Pink Slip and the DMV |
Bryan Born
18/1 (1989): 5–8 |
Feature Article
A Slip in Act or Character? - So What’s the Difference? |
John Derksen
18/1 (1989): 9–12 |
Feature Article
Weighing Pros and Cons |
Louis B. Weeks
18/1 (1989): 13–16 |
Feature Article
Case Study: Global-Village Living |
Arthur J. Block
18/1 (1989): 17–19 |
Feature Article
Faulting the Simple Lifestyle |
Stephen Penner
18/1 (1989): 20–22 |
Feature Article
What Would Jesus Do? |
Louis B. Weeks
18/1 (1989): 23–26 |
Feature Article
Case Study: The Psychology Today Questionnaire |
Lynford J. Becker
18/1 (1989): 27–29 |
Feature Article
Working Toward Recovery |
Roland Reimer
18/1 (1989): 30–32 |
Feature Article
Suggestions for Actions |
Ed Boschman
18/1 (1989): 33–42 |
Feature Article
Sexuality and the Ministry |
Elmer J. Thiessen
18/1 (1989): 43–50 |
Feature Article
The Christian's Ethical Witness to the World |
Herb Kopp
18/1 (1989): 51–54 |
Feature Article
A Year of Ethics in the Church |
Howard J. Loewen
18/1 (1989): 55–66 |
Feature Article
Rethinking Christian Ethics: From Moral Decisions to Character Formation |
Elias Wiebe
18/1 (1989): 67–74 |
Feature Article
Moral Growth and Maturity and the Church |
Gus Quadrizius
18/1 (1989): 75–80 |
Feature Article
The Place of Ethical Statements in a Confession of Faith |
Delbert L. Wiens
16/2 (1987): 29–44 |
Feature Article
The Moralities of the Mennonite Brethren |
Irene Loewen
15/1 (1986): 60–72 |
Feature Article
Child Sexual Abuse in the Church |
Elmer J. Thiessen
13/1–2 (1984): 49–60 |
Feature Article
Evangelism Without Intolerance |
Alfred Klassen
12/4 (1983): 27–37 |
Feature Article
Robert H. Schuller and the Ethics of Success |
Jake Froese
12/4 (1983): 38–40 |
Feature Article
Handling Prosperity |
Judith Dick
12/2 (1983): 34–39 |
Feature Article
The Morals Maze: Religious and Moral Education in the Public School System |
Arthur DeFehr
11/1 (1982): 3–8 |
Feature Article
Issues for Christians in Business |
Howard J. Loewen
11/1 (1982): 9–18 |
Feature Article
Biblical Faith and the Business World: The Crisis and the Challenge |
Arthur J. Block
11/1 (1982): 19–25 |
Feature Article
Understanding Profits from the Christian Perspective [Perspective I] |
Wally Kroeker
11/1 (1982): 35–42 |
Feature Article
Handling Prosperity - The Lifestyle Question |
Mike Klassen
10/4 (1981): 32–40 |
Feature Article
Counseling for Quality: Recent Research Relevant for Premarital Counseling in the Church |
Delbert L. Wiens
9/2 (1980): 3–17 |
Feature Article
Mores, Morals, Morale and Hard Cases or “Whatever Happened to Consensus” |
Marvin Hein
9/2 (1980): 17–18 |
Feature Article
A Pastor’s Response: Stories That Mystify Yet Help |
Peter M. Hamm
9/2 (1980): 19–21 |
Feature Article
An Educator’s Response: Overstatements and Omissions |
Delbert L. Wiens
9/2 (1980): 21–22 |
Feature Article
The Author’s Reply: Achieving Clarity |
Ben C. Ollenburger
9/2 (1980): 23–31 |
Feature Article
Seeing the Truth: Proverbial Wisdom and Christian Ethics |
LeRoy Friesen
9/2 (1980): 32–37 |
Feature Article
Issues in Christian Ethics Methodology: A Bibliographic Essay |
Calvin Redekop
8/3 (1979): 3–13 |
Feature Article
The Church’s Responsibility in the Marketplace |
Arthur Jost
8/3 (1979): 14 |
Feature Article
To Walk in One World |
Vern Ratzlaff
8/3 (1979): 15 |
Feature Article
Two Additional Factors |
Herbert D. Neufeld
8/3 (1979): 17–18 |
Feature Article
We Need to Interact |
Arthur DeFehr
8/3 (1979): 19–20 |
Feature Article
Legality, Competition and Faith |
Walter Unger
7/2 (1978): 15–22 |
Feature Article
A Practical Morality for the Church |
Dennis L. Langhofer
7/1 (1978): 26–34 |
Feature Article
Ethics, the Businessman, and the Church |
Dave Pauls
6/4 (1977): 22–28 |
Feature Article
Ethics and the New Biology |
Elmer A. Martens
6/3 (1977): 23–35 |
Feature Article
The Problem of Old Testament Ethics |
Ben C. Ollenburger
6/3 (1977): 35–37 |
Feature Article
Response to Elmer Martens |
Al Dueck
6/1 (1977): 12–20 |
Feature Article
Education for Justice |
Herbert Giesbrecht
5/1 (1976): 3–10 |
Feature Article
In Search of Discipline: Ethical Covenants and Codes in the Local Church |
David Ewert
2/3 (1973): 66–70 |
Feature Article
The Unique Character of Christian Ethics |