Articles by subject

Showing all articles tagged with subject “Ethnicity” sorted by issue date.

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Subject: Ethnicity

John Hau

51/2 (2022): 187–194

Feature Article

Moving beyond ‘Liking’ to Actually ‘Using’ the Confession of Faith?

John Hau

50/2 (2021): 189–200

Feature Article

Who Are We? Navigating Mennonite Brethren Identity in the Sea of Culture

Ryan Schellenberg

44/1 (2015): 16–29

Feature Article

Seed of Abraham (Friesen?): Universality and Ethnicity in Paul

Bruce L. Guenther

39/2 (2010): 138–161

Feature Article

From Isolation and Ethnic Homogeneity to Acculturation and Multi-cultural Diversity: The Mennonite Brethren and Canadian Culture

Robert Enns

38/2 (2009): 233–245

Feature Article

From Generation To Generation? Faith and Culture in One Russian Mennonite Immigrant Family (Part 2)

Robert Enns

38/1 (2009): 79–92

Feature Article

From Generation To Generation? Faith and Culture in One Russian Mennonite Immigrant Family (Part 1)

Matthew Todd

37/2 (2008): 238–42

Ministry Compass

The Challenge of Jesus’s Great Commission

Douglas B. Miller

35/1 (2006): 2


From the Editor: Old Testament Scholarship in Honor of Allen Guenther

Felipe Hinojosa

35/1 (2006): 162–75

Feature Article

Race, Gender, and Mennonite Brethren Religious Identity Along the Texas-Mexico Border, Part 2

Douglas B. Miller

34/2 (2005): 132


From the Editor: Culture Critique

Felipe Hinojosa

34/2 (2005): 145–58

Feature Article

Race, Gender, and Mennonite Brethren Religious Identity Along the Texas-Mexico Border, Part 1

Hironori Minamino

34/2 (2005): 159–69

Feature Article

Genesis 1 as Critique of Japanese Culture

Ryan Schellenberg

Tim Geddert

34/2 (2005): 170–80

Feature Article

Phinehas and the Pharisees: Identity and Tolerance in Biblical Perspective

Teshome Abebe

Zenebe Abebe

33/2 (2004): 194–200

Feature Article

Curriculum Transformation to Prepare Students for a Diverse World

Eliza Mok

31/2 (2002): 220–32

Feature Article

A Direction Lens on the Mennonite Brethren

Donald R. Jacobs

28/1 (1999): 63–74

Feature Article

Ethnicity: Friend or Foe?

Russell C. Rosser

27/2 (1998): 189–92

Ministry Compass

A Multiethnic Model of the Church

Conrad Ostwalt

23/2 (1994): 38–42

Feature Article

African-Americans in North Carolina: A Symbiotic Relationship

Juan Martínez

23/2 (1994): 43–49

Feature Article

Mennonite Brethren, Latinos and Mission

Eric Wingender

23/2 (1994): 50–53

Feature Article

Quebec Mennonite Brethren Identity: A Project Underway

Heinrich Klassen

23/2 (1994): 54–56

Feature Article

Aussiedler and the German People: An Uneasy Journey

Ayde Janzen

Stan Janzen

19/1 (1990): 49–51

Feature Article

The Ways of Passion and Peace Do Not Often Fit Together Perfectly [Vignettes of a transcultural marriage]

Hugo Zorrilla

Norma Zorrilla

19/1 (1990): 52–56

Feature Article

Marriage: A Path That Is Made by Walking [Vignettes of a transcultural marriage]

Pushpangadan Pappu

Arja Pappu

19/1 (1990): 57–58

Feature Article

No Regrets [Vignettes of a transcultural marriage]

John H. Redekop

17/1 (1988): 3–16

Feature Article

Ethnicity and the Mennonite Brethren: Issues and Responses

Miriam E. Warner

17/1 (1988): 17–29

Feature Article

Social Science Theory and A People Apart: Some Considerations

Robert Enns

Al Dueck

17/1 (1988): 30–59

Feature Article

Mennonite Brethren in Three Countries: Comparative Profiles of an Ethno-Religious Tradition

Elmer A. Martens

17/1 (1988): 60–66

Feature Article

The Particular and the Universal in the Old Testament

Allen R. Guenther

17/1 (1988): 67–72

Feature Article

Assimilation in Israel: Actual and Ideal

Tim Geddert

17/1 (1988): 73–77

Feature Article

Jesus and Ethnicity

John E. Toews

17/1 (1988): 78–80

Feature Article

One New Humanity: Ethnicity in Paul

Frances F. Hiebert

17/1 (1988): 81–86

Feature Article

Doing Mission with a Universal Gospel and Cultural Diversity

Paul G. Hiebert

17/1 (1988): 87–102

Feature Article

Ethnicity and Evangelism in the Mennonite Brethren Church

Delbert L. Wiens

17/1 (1988): 103–17

Feature Article

Theological Response to Ethnicity in the Modern World

Juan Martínez

16/1 (1987): 47–56

Feature Article

Hispanics in California: Myth and Opportunity

Delbert L. Wiens

14/2 (1985): 43–49

Feature Article

Cultural Change

Richard Kyle

13/1–2 (1984): 33–43

Feature Article

The Concept and Practice of Separation from the World in Mennonite Brethren History

Eric Mierau

12/2 (1983): 3–6

Feature Article

Rehabilitating Ethnicity

All subjects