MacGregor, Kirk R.
35/2 (2006): 279–99 |
Feature Article
Hubmaier’s Concord of Predestination with Free Will |
Manabe, Takashi
23/1 (1994): 89–90 |
Feature Article
Internationalization Must Replace Paternalism |
Mark, Leslie E.
12/2 (1983): 7–14 |
Feature Article
The Role of the Church in a Pluralistic Society |
Martens, Elmer
38/2 (2009): 163–178 |
Feature Article
Intertext Messaging: Echoes of the Aaronic Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26) |
Martens, Elmer A.
40/2 (2011): 232–234 |
Feature Article
A Tribute to Hans Kasdorf: A Gentleman, a Scholar, and More |
Martens, Elmer A.
35/1 (2006): 91–94 |
Feature Article
Allen Guenther, the Scholar |
Martens, Elmer A.
35/1 (2006): 59–69 |
Feature Article
Impulses to Global Mission in Isaiah |
Martens, Elmer A.
29/1 (2000): 54–63 |
Feature Article
Theology of Numbers |
Martens, Elmer A.
28/1 (1999): 75–87 |
Feature Article
Ezekiel's Contribution to a Biblical Theology of Mission |
Martens, Elmer A.
26/2 (1997): 61–79 |
Feature Article
The Flowering and Floundering of Old Testament Theology |
Martens, Elmer A.
26/1 (1997): 4–8 |
Feature Article
Anniversary Reminiscences about Direction |
Martens, Elmer A.
25/2 (1996): 5–15 |
Feature Article
The Shape of an Old Testament Theology for Post Modern Culture |
Martens, Elmer A.
25/2 (1996): 73–85 |
Feature Article
Publications by Elmer A. Martens |
Martens, Elmer A.
24/2 (1995): 98–99 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
24/1 (1995): 107–110 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
24/1 (1995): 2 |
From the Editors: Appropriating Biblical Texts |
Martens, Elmer A.
24/1 (1995): 96–97 |
Recommended Reading
On Bible Interpretation |
Martens, Elmer A.
23/2 (1994): 121 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
23/2 (1994): 4 |
From the Editors: The Mennonite Brethren Ethos |
Martens, Elmer A.
23/1 (1994): 129–131 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
23/1 (1994): 2 |
From the Editors: Mission and Pluralism |
Martens, Elmer A.
22/2 (1993): 2 |
From the Editors: Music in Worship |
Martens, Elmer A.
22/2 (1993): 96–102 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
22/1 (1993): 2 |
From the Editors: Christian Nurture in the Church |
Martens, Elmer A.
22/1 (1993): 81–90 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
21/2 (1992): 2 |
From the Editors: Earthkeeping |
Martens, Elmer A.
21/2 (1992): 68–69 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
21/2 (1992): 27–36 |
Feature Article
Forward to the Garden of Eden |
Martens, Elmer A.
21/1 (1992): 2 |
From the Editors: Caregiving |
Martens, Elmer A.
21/1 (1992): 95–99 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
20/2 (1991): 2 |
From the Editors: North American Mennonite Brethren Consultation on Church Growth |
Martens, Elmer A.
20/2 (1991): 157–58 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
20/1 (1991): 2 |
From the Editors: Mennonite Brethren and Evangelicalism |
Martens, Elmer A.
20/1 (1991): 105–11 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
19/2 (1990): 120–23 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
19/2 (1990): 2 |
From the Editors: Working Together in the Church |
Martens, Elmer A.
19/1 (1990): 2 |
From the Editors: Family and Church: Growing Together |
Martens, Elmer A.
19/1 (1990): 119–27 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
18/2 (1989): 2 |
From the Editors: Ministers in the Church |
Martens, Elmer A.
18/2 (1989): 108–12 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Martens, Elmer A.
18/1 (1989): 3–4 |
Feature Article
Case Study: The Pink Slip and the DMV |
Martens, Elmer A.
17/1 (1988): 60–66 |
Feature Article
The Particular and the Universal in the Old Testament |
Martens, Elmer A.
15/1 (1986): 3–13 |
Feature Article
Jeremiah: Relevant for the Eighties |
Martens, Elmer A.
12/4 (1983): 15–26 |
Feature Article
Psalm 73: A Corrective to a Modern Misunderstanding |
Martens, Elmer A.
11/2 (1982): 30–39 |
Feature Article
Preaching from the Old Testament: A Bibliographic Essay |
Martens, Elmer A.
10/2 (1981): 26–28 |
Feature Article
Interpreting the Parables: A Case Study |
Martens, Elmer A.
10/2 (1981): 2 |
In This Issue: The Gospels |
Martens, Elmer A.
9/2 (1980): 2 |
In This Issue: Christian Ethics |
Martens, Elmer A.
6/3 (1977): 23–35 |
Feature Article
The Problem of Old Testament Ethics |
Martens, Elmer A.
5/3 (1976): 2 |
In This Issue |
Martens, Elmer A.
5/2 (1976): 8–13 |
Feature Article
The Promise of the Land to Israel |
Martens, Elmer A.
5/2 (1976): 2 |
In This Issue |
Martens, Elmer A.
5/1 (1976): 2 |
In This Issue |
Martens, Elmer A., coord.
19/2 (1990): 107–19 |
Recommended Reading
Bible Study Helps and Commentaries |
Martens, Hedy L.
5/1 (1976): 11–26 |
Feature Article
God's Word: To Women as to Men |
Martens, Larry
21/1 (1992): 3–14 |
Feature Article
Anabaptist Theology and Congregational Care |
Martens, Larry
19/1 (1990): 99–102 |
Recommended Reading
Pre-Marriage Counseling |
Martens, Larry
James N. Pankratz
10/1 (1981): 33–36 |
Feature Article
Resources for Worship: A Bibliographic Essay |
Martens, Phyllis
13/3 (1984): 4–15 |
Feature Article
Waldo Hiebert: Journey into Joy |
Martens, Phyllis
8/1 (1979): 19–25 |
Feature Article
The Baker |
Martens, Wilfred
24/2 (1995): 47–54 |
Feature Article
The Gold behind the Paper Currency: Literature and the Christian College |
Martens, Wilfred
8/1 (1979): 15 |
Feature Article
Poetry and Prose |
Martens, Wilfred
4/1 (1975): 263 |
Feature Article
A Fourth Journey |
Martens, Wilfred
3/2 (1974): 210–14 |
Feature Article
Mennonite |
Martin, Loyal J.
11/2 (1982): 44 |
Reader Response
Rejoinder |
Martin, Loyal J.
10/4 (1981): 14–21 |
Feature Article
The Call of God for Service in the Church |
Martin, Loyal J.
6/1 (1977): 3–6 |
Feature Article
The Uncertain Future of Christian Education |
Martin, Loyal J.
4/1 (1975): 269–73 |
Feature Article
D. Edmond - A Biographical Sketch |
Martínez, Juan
23/2 (1994): 43–49 |
Feature Article
Mennonite Brethren, Latinos and Mission |
Martínez, Juan
20/2 (1991): 45–48 |
Feature Article
Response to Henry J. Schmidt |
Martínez, Juan
16/1 (1987): 47–56 |
Feature Article
Hispanics in California: Myth and Opportunity |
Mathies, Ronald J. R.
23/2 (1994): 77–87 |
Feature Article
Witness and Struggle or Politics and Power: MCC Engages the World |
Matties, Gordon
50/1 (2021): 28–43 |
Feature Article
Like Goads and Like Nails’: Interpreting an Interpretive Model for Scripture Study |
Matties, Gordon H.
40/2 (2011): 141–150 |
Feature Article
Difficult Conversations: A Dialogue with Eric Seibert’s Disturbing Divine Behavior |
Matties, Gordon H.
34/2 (2005): 270–86 |
Recommended Reading
On Movies as Spiritual Discipline |
Matties, Gordon H.
32/1 (2003): 127–30 |
Recommended Reading
Nurturing Peace, Responding to Violence: A Bibliographic Reflection |
Matties, Gordon H.
24/1 (1995): 57–70 |
Feature Article
Reading Rahab’s Story: Beyond the Moral of the Story (Joshua 2) |
Matties, Gordon H.
18/2 (1989): 80–85 |
Feature Article
Education as a Renewing Activity: Nurturing the Mind, Minding the Heart, Mending the World |
Matties, Johann
41/2 (2012): 239–243 |
Feature Article
Training Disciples for Outreach Ministries |
McDonald, Kurt
52/2 (2023): 128–137 |
Feature Article
Online and Hybrid Pedagogy Practices: Honoring Christ in All We Do |
McKitrick, Jessica
48/1 (2019): 63–65 |
Recommended Reading
The Kingdom of God: Suggested Readings |
Meneses, Eloise Hiebert
36/2 (2007): 129–43 |
Feature Article
Faithful Witness: Postcritical Epistemology for Christians |
Mennonite Brethren General Conference
14/1 (1985): 26 |
Feature Article
We Recommend: Conference Resolutions Regarding Political Involvement |
Mennonite Brethren General Conference
14/1 (1985): 4–5 |
Feature Article
The Waters That Divide: Conference Resolutions on Re-baptism |
Mercadante, Linda
44/2 (2015): 213–220 |
Ministry Compass
Spiritual but not Religious? Let’s Talk |
Mierau, Eric
12/2 (1983): 3–6 |
Feature Article
Rehabilitating Ethnicity |
Miller, Douglas B.
53/2 (2024): 124–125 |
From the Editor: Fire & Ashes |
Miller, Douglas B.
52/2 (2023): 99–111 |
Feature Article
Jonah’s Faith Pedagogy |
Miller, Douglas B.
47/1 (2018): 2–3 |
From the Editor: Scholarship and Faith II |
Miller, Douglas B.
46/2 (2017): 132–133 |
From the Editor: Scholarship and Faith |
Miller, Douglas B.
46/2 (2017): 241–246 |
Recommended Reading
Vocation |
Miller, Douglas B.
44/1 (2015): 72–83 |
Feature Article
The Nature of Biblical Faith |
Miller, Douglas B.
36/1 (2007): 119–24 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
36/1 (2007): 2–3 |
From the Editor: Reworking Our Traditions |
Miller, Douglas B.
35/2 (2006): 326–81 |
Article and Book Review Indexes to Direction, 2002-2006 |
Miller, Douglas B.
35/2 (2006): 206–7 |
From the Editor: The Evangelical Conscience |
Miller, Douglas B.
35/2 (2006): 266–67 |
Feature Article
A Short Biography of Ronald J. Sider |
Miller, Douglas B.
35/1 (2006): 183–86 |
Recommended Reading
On the Psalms |
Miller, Douglas B.
35/1 (2006): 196–203 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
35/1 (2006): 2 |
From the Editor: Old Testament Scholarship in Honor of Allen Guenther |
Miller, Douglas B.
34/2 (2005): 132 |
From the Editor: Culture Critique |
Miller, Douglas B.
34/1 (2005): 2 |
From the Editor: Christian Spirituality |
Miller, Douglas B.
34/1 (2005): 125–29 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
33/2 (2004): 232 |
Information |
Miller, Douglas B.
33/2 (2004): 207–211 |
Recommended Reading
Bible Resources for the Nonspecialist |
Miller, Douglas B.
33/2 (2004): 132 |
From the Editor: Biblical Scholarship |
Miller, Douglas B.
33/1 (2004): 126–31 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
33/1 (2004): 2 |
From the Editor: Baptism and Church Membership |
Miller, Douglas B.
32/2 (2003): 150–154 |
From the Editor: Vocation |
Miller, Douglas B.
32/1 (2003): 142–47 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
32/1 (2003): 2 |
From the Editor: Responding to Violence |
Miller, Douglas B.
31/2 (2002): 134 |
From the Editor: Baptism and Youth |
Miller, Douglas B.
31/1 (2002): 125–133 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
31/1 (2002): 2–3 |
From the Editor: Ministry to Youth |
Miller, Douglas B.
30/2 (2001): 121 |
From the Editor: Different Worlds |
Miller, Douglas B.
30/2 (2001): 232–54 |
Article and Book Review Indexes to Direction, 1999-2001 |
Miller, Douglas B.
29/2 (2000): 90 |
From the Editor: Confronting Evil |
Miller, Douglas B.
29/1 (2000): 87–89 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
29/1 (2000): 2–3 |
From the Editor: Science and Faith |
Miller, Douglas B.
28/2 (1999): 136–37 |
From the Editor: The Church at 2000 |
Miller, Douglas B.
28/1 (1999): 4–5 |
From the Editor: Mandate for Mission: A Tribute to Hans Kasdorf |
Miller, Douglas B.
28/1 (1999): 133–35 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
27/2 (1998): 200–232 |
Article and Book Review Indexes to Direction, 1994-1998 |
Miller, Douglas B.
27/2 (1998): ii–iii |
From the Editor: Faith and the Arts |
Miller, Douglas B.
27/1 (1998): 97–100 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
27/1 (1998): 2–3 |
From the Editor: Confessing the Faith |
Miller, Douglas B.
26/2 (1997): 2 |
From the Editor: A Tribute to J. B. Toews |
Miller, Douglas B.
26/1 (1997): 2–3 |
From the Editor: Looking Back Toward the Future |
Miller, Douglas B.
26/1 (1997): 104–12 |
Current Research
Current Research |
Miller, Douglas B.
24/1 (1995): 98–103 |
Feature Article
Teaching the Bible: Paradigms for the Christian College |
Miller, Steve
12/1 (1983): 3–9 |
Feature Article
Inerrancy and Authority |
Miller, Wendy J.
37/2 (2008): 215–22 |
Feature Article
Nancey Murphy’s Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Bodies? A Review Essay |
Miller, Wendy J.
34/1 (2005): 43–53 |
Feature Article
The Heart Rediscovered: Hope for Leadership Transformation |
Minamino, Hironori
34/2 (2005): 159–69 |
Feature Article
Genesis 1 as Critique of Japanese Culture |
Mok, Eliza
31/2 (2002): 220–32 |
Feature Article
A Direction Lens on the Mennonite Brethren |
Morrison, Kimberley
48/1 (2019): 22–37 |
Feature Article
A Macarism for the Displaced Person |
Mueller, Derrick
31/1 (2002): 46–53 |
Feature Article
Virtues of an Effective Youth Worker |
Mukawa, Nzuzi
41/2 (2012): 244–251 |
Feature Article
Transformation as Missional Goal for Our Churches and Schools |
Myers, Ched
49/1 (2020): 5–17 |
Feature Article
Nature against Empire: Exodus Plagues, Climate Crisis, and Hard-Heartedness |